scents in a sentence

Use ‘scents’ in a sentence | ‘scents’ example sentences

1- Not very much wood scents going on.

2- Most modern male scents leave me cold.

3- There are many scents of my home.

4- A truly aromatic city of scents and colours.

5- There were scents here which rolled off its nose incorrectly.

6- Gone are the days of summer floral scents .

7- They investigated unrelated squirrels’ scents the longest.

8- Apparently, branded scents are very big these days.

9- I personally love this scents and the longevity is outstanding.

10- The air was a warm soup of their scents .

11- My favorite of the 3 exclusive Passage scents .

12- I sometimes layer it with more severe, incense type scents .

13- The sort of thing one scents rather than actually sees.

14- Have the applied scents adequately been tested for that risk?

15- Strong scents rarely appeal to anyone but the wearer.

16- Certainly some mixed scents here aren’t there?

17- Those scents just might make your spend more .

18- Instead of preserving images , the camera captures scents .

19- The house is filled with the warm scents of cooking .

20- My collections and their scents are my timeline .

21- Most modern scents i would not call perfume.

22- Fall also brings clean, fresh scents , too.

23- The heavy scents of Indian cooking however soon revived Blanche.

24- Intoxication was among the 4 scents included.

25- I expressed interest in unusual beachy scents .

26- Aromatic scents are believed to improve and promote wellness.

27- Beauty lifts the spirits, as do wonderful scents .

28- The inviting scents of Christmas time surround my widened nostrils.

29- You’re fortunate that your husband enjoys shopping for scents .

30- Their cartridges come in smooth and delicious scents : .

31- Keep in mind also that scents and sounds may attract bass.

32- I hope you make many products that include these scents .

33- I am a vegan and love the idea of natural scents .

34- How could you forget scents like this?

35- A spokesman said certain scents have a ‘relaxing effect’.

36- Smelling scents are also associated with memory enhancement .

37- Is it attracted or repelled to the scents ?

38- This is one of many scents he had me try.

39- Fill your area with pleasing scents for your reading. We never really forget the scents of our childhood.

40- The chest scents the blankets with the smell of cedar.

41- Certain scents are supposed to induce different mental states.

42- She chose most of the different plants in her garden for the lovely scents they give off.

43- Aroma therapy is a technique which uses different scents to stimulate people in different ways.

44- Now Serbia’s capital has just one shop left that mixes its own scents.

45- The preorder package includes four scents: jungle, ocean, fire and wind.

46- Mercedes also did it first and with zanier scents like “Nightlife Mood.”

47- And talk of Curry Village hints at the sweet scents and sights of the high country.

48- The silly: the $350 ambient air package, which perfumes the air with your choice of several scents.

49- In the artificial twilight, the rare odors and scents, and the almond eyes peering out at him.

More Sentences: 12
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