sceptical of in a sentence

Use ‘sceptical of’ in a sentence | ‘sceptical of’ example sentences

1- But talent brokers are sceptical of those claims.

2- People are often sceptical of buying contact lenses online.

3- They remained sceptical of the military option.

4- Hungary is hopeful but stays sceptical of better relations.

5- Nevertheless he remained highly sceptical of quantum theory.

6- Americans remain sceptical of the state and fiercely independent minded.

7- A growing number of economists are sceptical of this.

8- Some EU diplomats were more sceptical of the reasons put forward.

9- They were also sceptical of the promised economic benefits.

10- Many people were sceptical of his claim.

11- Nevertheless, he remained sceptical of organised religion.

12- Also, which bits are you sceptical of ?

13- I was sceptical of the changes at the start.

14- The SBA remains sceptical of quantitative standards.

15- The Conservative tradition is extremely sceptical of ambitious schemes for social transformation.

16- Is it wrong that I am immediately sceptical of this endeavor?

17- The Doctor is sceptical of the explanations offered by his companions.

18- Indians in general became highly sceptical of China and its military.

19- He is sceptical of the motives behind the security team’s visit.

20- Moreover, many in RENFE were profoundly sceptical of organizational reform.

21- Some linguists are sceptical of this reconstruction methodology of Dacian.

22- Laura Truffaut was also sceptical of the story.

23- As for me, I am sceptical of all myths.

24- All were then sceptical of UFO reports, though to varying degrees.

25- But Ms Burgess is sceptical of achieving anything similar in Holyrood .

26- Scientists are sceptical of the claims.

27- He appears to be at least sceptical of the European Union.

28- He was sceptical of signing a woman engineer until he saw her papers.

29- He’s more sceptical of NT’s role at the high-end.

30- Some oncologists are sceptical of Gatenby’s approach.

31- He is sceptical of the existence of any such thing as postmodern culture.

32- Good luck, have fun, and be sceptical of the results!

33- He was sceptical of the quality and determination of the French Army.

34- Investors remained sceptical of Tory damage control and subsequent polls showing a closer race.

35- Biggest thing I’d be sceptical of is Harvin’s mental state.

36- The vibrance of such ingredients invites even the most sceptical of palates!

37- These are among the reasons why Sir Claus is so sceptical of election polling.

38- Hall is sceptical of their story and asks to visit Winnerden Flats himself.

39- Keynesians were sceptical of the above mechanism, even assuming flexible wages and prices.

40- Though initially sceptical of Blair, he eventually becomes one of his strongest advocates. She is sceptical of anthropogenic global warming.

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Related Words:
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