scenting in a sentence

Use ‘scenting’ in a sentence | ‘scenting’ example sentences

1- The nostrils are wide open to accommodate scenting .

2- His dog, scenting breakfast, took off in pursuit.

3- Though slow, it had stamina and an excellent scenting ability.

4- All of the family members took turns ” scenting ” the same shirt.

5- Use small, widely spaced, rapid response teams and air scenting dogs.

6- Skip the perfume and let your body do the … scenting .

7- Even before he saw me Ho lost interest, began scenting about.

8- Tokyo’s relentless public prosecutor is scenting blood in the Recruit scandal.

9- Simpson peered at our two faces, scenting a row.

10- Ruth found secret corners with grey stone seats and jasmine scenting the air.

11- The corporate vultures are circling the NHS , scenting red-blooded profit.

12- The staff have lit incense, scenting the small three-story Moroccan courtyard.

13- Some crows, scenting blood, flew among the birch trees cawing impatiently.

14- Rose looked at him, scenting a mixture of threat and impertinence.

15- Like a wolf pack scenting easy prey, they dismounted and spread out.

16- The bakery is usually scenting the morning air with cinnamon as we ride by.

17- I discovered that some snorts are directly related to scenting while others are not.

18- Batch number two brewed up perfectly, scenting the whole neighbourhood in sassafras.

19- Air scenting dog teams alongside rapid response teams, and sign cutting teams along main trails.

20- It was faster than its southern counterpart but its scenting abilities were less well developed.

21- Use air scenting dog teams.

22- Use air scenting dog teams.

23- Use air scenting dog teams.

24- scenting your boots or a scrape or rub with deer uring is a good trick.

25- James said keenly, scenting a titbit to take home to Barbara and Georgina.

26- The scenting agents are micro-encapsulated and are not supposed to be released until they are rubbed.

27- Being a scenting dog with short legs, it holds its nose low to the ground.

28- We may observe the scenting and postural greetings of dogs with whom we live every day.

29- When prey is found by scenting the air, the dog will freeze rather than give chase.

30- Felix marched over to Uncle Roger’s, and we trailed after, scenting a scene.

31- Another dog valued for its scenting skills was the lymer, a forerunner of today’s bloodhound.

32- The first book I wrote was The Air scenting Horse which offers training steps for scenting horses.

33- The first book I wrote was The Air scenting Horse which offers training steps for scenting horses.

34- Scent Marketing-Commercial scenting Systems Girls Don’t Poop – PooPourri.

35- scenting weakness perhaps, they are, for the moment, firing in unison on the Socialists.

36- General Temperament The Bloodhound is a lovable and good-natured dog with unmatched scenting and tracking abilities.

37- Terrain interfaces, vegetation changes, breaks of slope, cliffs. 7 Use air scenting dog teams.

38- The original purpose , I think, was more as a “deodorizer” than a scenting agent.

39- Groups of young men were huddled around laptops or smoking hookahs, scenting the air with apple-flavored tobacco.

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