sage in a sentence 3

Use ‘sage’ in a sentence | ‘sage’ example sentences

100- The Mahishamardini idol was installed by sage Bhargava in Mundkur.

101- sage Lee was added to the group in 1997, making the trio a quartet.

102- Log onto the sage track manuscript submission website at http://mc.

103- Researchers observed cattle who share grazing land with the sage-grouse.

104- The greedy prince desires to acquire the jewel, however the sage refuses.

105- Rabbi Simlai was a talmudic sage from Palestine in the early 3rd century.

106- In 1950, Blanchard left the “sage Riders” to concentrate on a solo career.

107- sage grouse prefer relatively tall sagebrush with an open canopy for nesting.

108- The surviving deer morphed back into human form and revealed itself as a sage.

109- Colorado Delta and Mojave components), and Coastal sage scrub ecological zones.

110- Legend goes that the sage Kasyapa established the temple on the bank of Pinakini.

111- sage‘s mentor and one of the original members of the Blue Sentient Council of Five.

112- Unreferenced The IBM 728 magnetic tape drive was used on the sage AN/FSQ-7 computer.

113- He performed many sacrifices and sage Kanva was the chief priest at those sacrifices.

114- Some Mahrs in Jind claim to be the pure descendants of the sage Kuba (or Kubha) Bhagat.

115- The sage, on the other hand, does not love or seek wisdom, because he already has wisdom.

116- ” sage Marketing & Public Relations and staff whose titles are supposedly named for their roles.

117- sage MAS 90 uses Business Objects’ Crystal Reports for almost all of its built in and custom reports.

118- In May 2008, CQ Press was purchased from Congressional Quarterly by sage Publications in its entirety.

119- Orders had been given by Shreve (and sent by Miles sage) to vacate upon the ignition of an alarm cannon.

120- Rishi Shringi was the son of sage Vibhandak, himself a highly respected Vedic scholar of Kashyaap linage.

121- You (Kapinjala) should go and consult the sage Shvetaketu (Paragraph 8) about seeking his son’s deliverance.

122- Vishnu appeared in the form of a child floating on a leaf, and declared to the sage that he was Time and Death.

123- Finally Lord Shiva and Parvathi appeared in their original form and asked the sage to take a deep in nearby pond.

124- Thus, when Durvasa made his demand, Lakshmana politely asked the sage to wait until Rama had finished his meeting.

125- The sage in his anger cried out, “Fall, thou serpent,” and Nahusha fell from his glorious car and became a serpent.

126- Reissues: CD-R on Greg sage ‘s own Zeno Records CD on German Gift of Life label in 1991; catalogue number: GIFT 023 CD).

127- Three were with his first wife Margaret Mansfield, and one, John sage, was the product of an affair he had in Saint John.

128- Science Behind sage III on ISS The sage III instrument is a grating spectrometer that measures ultraviolet and visible energy.

129- sage scrapped the project they were working on and vowed to do the next film (and every other thereafter) totally independently.

130- Beauregarde enlisted sage (then 17) after overhearing him playing guitar for a friend’s band at Sound Productions studio in Portland.

131- The Division also began supervision of the construction of a sage radar Direction and Combat Center, programmed for activation in 1958.

132- While he is engaged to Ai, his maid, sage, is also in love with him, causing a love triangle.

133- Today, an Army switching center had been located on the 3rd floor of the old sage DC/CC blockhouse.

134- sage Accpac ERP is a Windows based range of ERP software, available with a variety of database backends.

135- She is also sage‘s best friend, but is crushed when she finds out that sage is warming up to snobby Emily Jenkins.

136- Thesis A Wyoming study evaluated effects of eliminating insects from the diet of newly-hatched sage Grouse chicks.

137- ” (Chen 2003, pp. 92 93.) was a semi-legendary Chinese sage who is said to have ruled Gojoseon in the 11th century BCE.

138- They were available in 2 colours; Antique sage Pearl (Often referred to as Riverrock, Pewter or Grey) and Emerald Green.

139- Cheyyeru River atoned Parasurama from the sin of matricide and gave hands to Likhita, the brother of Sankha a great sage.

140- sage grouse, pronghorn, and lagomorph use of a sagebrush-grassland burn site on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.

141- When Ax and sage are engulfed in the Lavoisier Massacre Scandal a moment’s shocking loss of control precipitates disaster.

142- When Marco asked if Richard had taught any students, Shiva told him about The Question, Vic sage, who had learned from Richard.

143- The well-known Middletown builders, Barzllai sage and Isaac W. Baldwin, performed the masonry and carpentry work, respectively.

144- ” *The song “Slow Down Gandhi” on sage Francis’ album A Healthy Distrust includes the line “republicrat, democran, one-party system.

145- This experience was visited in the album track “Randy sage – True American Hero” (Randy sage was an airline pilot they met at the airport).

146- In chaparral the plants are often shrubbier and more aromatic, such as African sage ( Artemisia afra ) and sugarbush ( Protea kilimanjaro ).

147- The school was sold and reorganized in 1915, becoming the National Training School, and supported by Margaret Olivia Slocum sage of New York.

148- By 1981 Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, who had begun to be thought of as a distinguished sage and a saint, conceived of creating a global mission.

149- In her 2007 released book “sage-ing While Age-ing” she mentioned about her alien encounters and witnessing of Washington DC UFO incidents in 1950s.

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