sagest in a sentence

Use ‘sagest’ in a sentence | ‘sagest’ example sentences

1- But this is work for the sagest head.

2- The sagest among people know to give.. and expect.. respect even from children.

3- We talk optimistically about the new season (yeah I know) and get wise words, as ever from the sagest Latics Mon around, Mr Les Bagg.

4- The most casual obscenities, the most hackneyed endearments, coming to me from your rose-red lips, are worth more than the sagest advice of all the old men in the world.

5- Those very people, however, who today are loudest in cursing the beginning of the war and offer the sagest opinions were those who contributed most fatally to steering us into it.

6- When sits he in his palace hall, He sends around to his judges all, From Frisia, Saxony, Loraine, From Burgundy and Allemaine, From Normandy, Brittaine, Poitou: The realm of France he searches through, The summons every sagest man.

7- So, we asked some of the speakers at the Thrive event to share some of the sagest advice they’ve ever received.

8- Answer, The Scripture gives no rule for our direction in this point, but the example and judgement of the sagest and soberest persons in every order, age and condition: & as they do and judge, so must we.

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