sage in a sentence

Use ‘sage’ in a sentence | ‘sage’ example sentences

1- The various 7 sages had their own specialties.

2- That sage wisdom has served me well.

3- This state of enlightenment has been described differently by different sages .

4- The sage shook his head and smiled.

5- He was a great and renowned sage .

6- The sage resolved to marry the princess.

7- Southern coastal sage scrub is further observed on the coast.

8- Reference has been made to sages and arts.

9- A sage person appeared by the hole.

10- Add 1 tsp sage and the garlic.

11- Then he offers some sage life advice .

12- These heroes and sages are subject to unique rules.

13- The sage uses them to fulfill roles.

14- Blackberry sage is my favorite black tea.

15- sage Pay is an accredited payment service provider.

16- The qualifying cutoff seemed set around 95 strokes to sage .

17- sage , pp. 297–318.

18- sage . pp. 275–300.

19- The ornamental sages are often popularly called salvia.

20- Take sage tablets or drink to send pure oxygen into.

21- So he presents himself as a sage .

22- He is supreme and unparalleled among all saints and sages .

23- I have never smelled burning sage on Amtrak before.

24- In China the sage speaks less and gives signs.

25- The ancient sage was like the modern captain.

26- Jewish sages taught by quoting opinions of other rabbis.

27- He would without doubt be a divine sage .

28- Our sages teach us that angels were cast down from heaven.

29- A crowd of sages gathers with their wives.

30- Zhu followed this sage advice to the letter.

31- sage and Finn reunite shortly before his death.

32- Life in living beings and penance in sages .

33- After that the four sages turned into small children.

34- The age of the sages varies in various sacred texts.

35- But the sages did not allow it.

36- Kay sage is known chiefly as a visual artist.

37- He expressed his surprise to the sage .

38- No mean achievement given the established market domination by sage .

39- Before 1900, the colors were sage green and silver. Chinese sage Lao-Tzu observed that a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

40- “In the garden here, there was a lot of sage which has been really nice.

41- The orchard is currently selling figs, peaches, sage and seasonal iteMs. Add the sherry vinegar along with the bay leaf, sage, thyme and peppercorns.

42- sage grouse numbers have dropped dramatically in recent years across the west.

43- Montoya was leading when a caution came out on lap 66 because of a spin by sage Karam.

44- If you’re an entrepreneur with many employees, find a sage and hire them as a manager.

45- 525916Often, though, finding resources for sage advice on Twitter can be overwhelming.

46- 907477We have probably replanted the wrong type of sage brush to some habitats,”” he said.”

47- sage Acorn says he ‘immediately said yes’ to being asked to escort World Cup players onto the field.

48- TeleMagic is no longer developed or supported by sage.

49- The Annals has been published by sage Publications since 1981.

More Sentences: 1234
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