possibility that in a sentence

Use “possibility that” in a sentence | “possibility that” example sentences

1- There is a possibility that I may go to the United States next year.

2- Is there any possibility that he’ll win the election?

3- There is no possibility that what he says may have any truth in it.

4- There is little possibility that she will be elected.

5- I’m afraid we can’t rule out the possibility that she may have the disease.

6- It is within the bounds of possibility that she will succeed.

7- Is it a possibility that you will work abroad?

8- Is there any possibility that you’ll be back by the weekend?

9- The possibility that Frank was lying flashed through my mind.

10- There is now no possibility that she will make a full recovery.

11- There is the possibility that hypothermia can go unrecognized.

12- There’s always a possibility that he might go back to Seattle.

13- We can’t exclude the possibility that he is dead.

14- We must not exclude the possibility that the child has run away.

15- You should always allow for the possibility that it might rain.

16- Major Arnold was greatly exercised over the possibility that Theodore might be rabid.

17- We were not in the least worried about the possibility that sweets could rot the teeth.

18- The teacher should try to eliminate the possibility that the child has a hearing defect.

19- It is possibilities that are being accommodated.

20- Full screen map navigation is another possibility that comes to mind.

21- The idea of vast emotional possibility that is repressed.

22- This observation suggests the possibility that publication bias is occurring.

23- There are also possibilities that need less engineering effort.

24- The possibility that you return home is often disregarded.

25- The possibility that someone may suddenly enter insures acceptable conduct.

26- Most troubling is the possibility that they were lying.

27- I submit the possibility that there are.

28- None admits the possibility that Russia may bear responsibility.

29- The possibility that he might die in office was often discussed.

30- He accepts the possibility that both scepticism and pessimism are true.

31- Bank capital requirements reduces the possibility that a bank becomes insolvent.

32- Let us investigate this possibility that grammar extends beyond sentences.

33- The main character embraces the open possibilities that time brings.

34- The possibilities that this opens are just crazy.

35- The possibility that viruses might exist extraterrestrially has also been proposed.

36- The possibility that viruses might also exist extraterrestrially has been proposed.

37- He had not faced the possibility that Anna might die.

38- There’s a possibility that ear tubes would help.

39- The office excluded the possibility that such people are Muslims.

40- Is there a possibility that I am pregnant?

41- There is a possibility that cycling injuries are on the rise.

42- Is there any possibility that this happened?

43- But there are quite a few possibilities that have been discussed.

44- But is there a possibility that it reached further?

45- The possibility that a Northwest Passage might exist was taken seriously.

46- What are some possibilities that your team can run?

47- The deputy also held out the possibility that .

48- There is always a possibility that we are not measuring everything .

49- Consider the possibility that she is younger than 18 .

50- Explore new possibilities that will transform your life.

51- There is no possibility that was a “lucky bet” either.

52- The one possibility that is probably off the table is doing nothing .

53- It is an exciting possibility that certain elements in bolster immunity.

54- However, he welcomed the possibilities that new media presented.

55- There’s still a possibility that Congress could intervene.

56- Joseph also risked the possibility that Pilate might refuse his request.

57- Is there a high possibility that I have conceived?

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