possessor of in a sentence

Use “possessor of” in a sentence | “possessor of” example sentences

1- Next comes the nose gear, the proud possessor of two wheels.

2- Being now the proud possessors of these shocking and daring items, they were determined to try them out.

3- In less than 20 minutes I emerged, the proud possessor of an Alien Registration Certificate that permits me to live in Cyprus for 4 years.

4- The proud possessor of a fragment of the Infant Jesus’s vest, a toy he had once played with (Benjamin would have been proud of that), and a hair from St Peter’s beard which could cure the ague or a sore throat.

5- In 1928, the annual St. John’s College magazine “The Eagle” defined “a Cambridge Conservative” member as “the proud possessor of a certain tie, obtained by signifying with a subscription his refusal or his inability to think out any social question.

6- So, if you are fortunate (or clever) enough to be the proud possessor of an appropriate handset, you will soon be able to use it throughout Europe.

7- Entries will be judged purely on their entertainment value, so you don’t have to be a literary genius or the proud possessor of a computer science degree to enter.

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