possessive of in a sentence

Use “possessive of” in a sentence | “possessive of” example sentences

1- She had always been possessive of her brother.

2- She was terribly possessive of our eldest son.

3- Some parents are too possessive of their children.

4- He is extremely possessive of his habitat.

5- I struggled with jealousy and became possessive of them.

6- She had felt possessive of Spike’s help and company.

7- Then explain the rules for forming possessives of plural nouns.

8- She is over-indulgent and possessive of Rufus.

9- He’s very possessive of her.

10- Em becomes increasingly withdrawn and violent and also very possessive of her box.

11- He is often very possessive of Adam and hates not having him around regularly.

12- As you will read, he is not possessive of his puzzle designs.

13- She is extremely possessive of Julio and jealous of anyone who gets near him.

14- Explain the rules for forming possessives of singular nouns, using the graphic below.

15- It didn’t help that Maria tended to be extremely possessive of her sons.

16- As a mother, she doted on and was quite possessive of her sons.

17- Kubota is extremely possessive of Tokito, and is a very talented mahjong player.

18- We mentioned the gelding being possessive of the mare, in fact, being jealous.

19- Ethnic groups were possessive of their neighborhoods, which their young men often patrolled against outsiders.

20- When I asked why, the trainer replied that Truman might be possessive of them.

21- Nevertheless its people are conservatively possessive of its identity preferring a “geographical endogamy” culture.

22- Moreover, Max is extremely possessive of Sam and their status as partners and best friends.

23- Panini is an apprentice to Ms. Endive, and is also possessive of Chowder.

24- Johnny’s methods are cruel and sadistic, and he’s intensely possessive of his redhead.

25- Folk can be so possessive of their ‘expert’ knowledge, can they not?

26- Hearst was extremely jealous and possessive of her, even though he was married throughout their relationship.

27- In earlier episodes she is shown to be overly possessive of Mark, and can shape shift.

28- They are extremely possessive of their food, and will defend their catches from even dominant animals.

29- Wah becomes increasingly possessive of Kin and hostile towards Gwan, who just wants to help.

30- The oldest form used the possessive of the fathers name along with the word for son or daughter.

31- Recently married, Curley is plagued with jealous suspicions and is extremely possessive of his flirtatious young wife.

32- They become very possessive of their territory and mark it with their urine to ward off other cats.

33- Though after Parker becomes possessive of his wife and she leaves him, eventually the marriage is annulled.

34- Although married to Herb, Dorian was at turns furiously bitter towards, and jealously possessive of David.

35- For instance, she was possessive of our eldest son and I wasn’t allowed to go near him.

36- Millers have always been, understandably, possessive of their water supplies and consequently, this sometimes failed to happen.

37- Cohn had an affair with Brett a few weeks earlier and still feels possessive of her despite her engagement to Mike.

38- She was rescued financially by Tomas Arroyo who’s in love with her but appears to be excessively possessive of her.

39- In Kiina’s cave, they find Berix, with whom Kiina becomes annoyed for trespassing, being possessive of the cavern.

40- Pets can be highly possessive of their personal bedding, and may become agitated when our staff removes the bedding for sanitizing, which, for the health of all our pet guests, we must do each day.

41- In general young children need to feel important; they are proud of their own achievements and proud and possessive of their own property.

42- In case you didn’t already know, we live in their homes, they allow us to sit on their stuff etc. Females tend to be more people oriented, less interested in hierarchy, and possessive of their people, not their property.

43- Group B included 16 species of two families where infant transfer did not occur at all or its frequency was very low and the mothers were possessive of their infants.

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