Use “possessionless” in a sentence | “possessionless” example sentences
1- In this way become a guru and try to liberate everyone in this land.’ . . . Try to become pure Vaishnavas, exclusive Vaishnavas and truly possessionless Vaishnavas.
2- She performed songs from the album, Including “Believe Again”, “You Will Only Break My Heart”, ” possessionless “, “God Laughs” and “Angels In The Room”.
3- Local tax lists registered him as a “student”, and expelled him at the same time as a poor and possessionless man.
4- ” The third track ” possessionless ” focuses on her true-life, successful battle with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, which she was diagnosed with in 2003, while fourth track “God Laughs” is about her parents’ divorce and the need to soldier on no matter what.
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