pollutants in a sentence

Use ‘pollutants’ in a sentence | ‘pollutants’ example sentences

1- Control of pollutants at the source is the most effective strategy for maintaining clean indoor air.

2- In 1972, the American Congress passed the Clean Water Act, forbidding discharges of pollutants into navigable waters.

3- Discrete pollutants, such as DDT, are much easier to deal with than the pollution caused by general, technological progress, which results in global warming.

4- discriminate

5- These pollutants pose a risk to children’s physical and mental development.

6- Peng said the first wave of offshore pollutants is forecast for today and tomorrow.

7- The study said that air pollutants were cut by between 18% and 59% during the Olympic period.

8- The shoreline currents move and, debris, and other pollutants from the north on both shores to the toe of the lake off the Indiana Coast.

9- In less intensive conditions, natural processes can break down potential pollutants.

10- HDS systems are not effective for the removal of very fine solids or dissolved pollutants.

11- The HEPA specification requires removal of at least 99.97% of 0.3 micrometers airborne pollutants.

12- Such paper has maintained its strength for 300 to 800 years, despite sulfur dioxide and other air pollutants.

13- As well as carbon monoxide (CO) in streets, due to the excess amount of cars exhaust and factories pollutants.

14- Increased levels of pollutants and bacteria downstream Spånga is believed to stem from stormwater pipes but no source have been identified.

15- Radionuclides, heavy metals, and organic pollutants, easily sorb onto colloids suspended in water and that can easily act as contaminant carrier.

16- Severe smog problems develop in the summer as the hot and humid air pressure from monsoons in the south prevent air pollutants from leaving the basin.

17- All goods (i.e. fossil fuels) will still exist in the system but in a new form (i.e. pollutants).

18- The ABL is of the most important with respect to the emission, transport and dispersion of airborne pollutants.

19- TCE, PCE, and DCM are rated as “Hazardous Air pollutants” or HAPs in the United States and many other countries.

20- Douala’s Bassa industrial zone ends in the estuarine creek formation of the Dibamba River, discharging pollutants.

21- CERCLA is an act that works to clean up abandoned hazardous waste sites which release pollutants into the environment.

22- These surfaces make it easier for stormwater to carry pollutants into the surrounding soil.

23- Some organochlorine compounds are also serious pollutants, either as side products of industrial processes or as persistent pesticides.

24- There have also been discharges of pollutants, whether accidental or otherwise, such as one filmed at the bridge of Clonmore industrial estate in Mullingar.

25- The green roof is designed to reduce heating and cooling costs, extend the lifespan of the roof membrane, and decrease storm water runoff and pollutants into storm sewers.

26- And when it does, it’s often cleaned of salt or other pollutants.

27- As well, urban gardens purify the air by filtering out pollutants.

28- “All of those pollutants have climate and health implications,” said co-author Alyson Azzara.

29- All maintain a toxic legacy, as groundwater flows through the old tunnels and picks up pollutants.

30- As a result, diesel-powered Volkswagens and Audis can emit 40-times more pollutants than allowed under U.S. law.

31- A mask will protect your lungs in the event that the air around you becomes contaminated with dust, smoke, or other pollutants.

32- As a practical matter, the limits would result in downwind states “overachieving” air quality standards for harmful pollutants, the court said.

33- Although “POPs” may sound harmless, after you’ve heard biologists go into detail about “persistent organic pollutants,” you might change your mind.

34- As there is less rainfall at this time of year, the pollutants are not washed away and cause the overall air quality to deteriorate, the company said.

35- After her diagnosis, she suggested in interviews that her exposure to chemical pollutants emitted by the World Trade Center collapse likely had a role in her illness.

36- A red alert is triggered when the government believes air quality will surpass a level of 200 on an air quality index that measures various pollutants for at least three days.

37- A detailed analysis of satellite observations shows that US progress in reducing levels of two key air pollutants has slowed significantly in recent years.

38- Air purifiers, like the Blueair 411, pictured above, capture the majority of airborne pollutants, including VOC’s, which can cause nausea, fatigue and airborne viruses.

39- Among various other air pollutants, particulate matter was identified as a major source of air pollution in Korea.

40- Another major advantage for the environment is that R33 BlueDiesel produces far fewer pollutants such as soot particles in the exhaust gas.

41- Any water that is flowing always has better quality as it has increased oxygen content which washes away the existing pollutants and also prevents further pollutants from entering,” he said.

42- As lead cultivation advisor on a mycoremediation project to clean up oil spills in Ecuador, the most biodiverse country in the world, McCoy has seen firsthand fungi’s ability to break down pollutants, too.

43- As more Biome units are deployed, sensor data will be fed into a central console that can analyze changes in air quality and the level of pollutants within the building.

44- But seasonal pollutants, such as ozone, usually occur only in the warmest and sunniest parts of year.

45- “Consumers can now focus on their color inspiration and selecting EasyCare Ultra Premium paint knowing they are getting a high performing product while minimizing irritants and pollutants in the air of their homes.

46- Current research focuses on producing rapid, simple to use devices to detect emerging pollutants in the field, to aid wider work to help reduce river pollution from domestic source.

47- Earlier government-backed clean coal programs yielded breakthroughs on scrubbers and other equipment for cleaning up major air pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

48- Electric vehicles also don’t have any tailpipe emissions of NO, particulate matter, or other pollutants.

49- Exposure to the pollutants present in cigarettes accelerates the degradation of the ECM.

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