polls in a sentence

Use ‘polls’ in a sentence | ‘polls’ example sentences

1- Voters are taking out their frustrations at the polls.

2- The government scored very low in recent opinion polls.

3- Peru goes to the polls for a federal election on May 25th.

4- Voters are due to go to the polls in Pakistan next Monday.

5- The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close election.

6- England goes to the polls to elect a new Prime Minister today.

7- Australians go to the polls today to elect a new federal government.

8- Public opinion polls are barometers of confidence in the government.

9- The Republicans are still trailing the Democrats in public opinion polls.

10- The party’s poor showing in the polls has persuaded the leader to step down.

11- The newspaper announced its forecast for the election, based on the latest polls.

12- Colombians will go to the polls to elect a new government in September of next year.

13- Companies which conduct political polls claim their margins for error are quite small.

14- The Republican candidate is leading in the polls with the election only a few days away.

15- The first results of the election will be broadcast beginning at 9:00 when the polls close.

16- Chretien needs to improve his image in Quebec if he hopes to win at the polls in the next election.

17- The government is prevailing in the polls with only a couple of days left to go before the election.

18- The President is trying to salvage a little bit of good news despite his party’s poor showing in the polls.

19- With the party’s recent poor showing in public opinion polls, the leader is increasingly being seen as a liability.

20- This government persists in making cuts to social programs despite polls showing that the majority of people are against them.

21- The politician was a very combative man, and he refused to give up even when polls showed he was certain to lose the election.

22- Opinion polls in February 2000 showed that 70% of the people of Slovakia support their country’s bid to join the European Union.

23- Calling an election right now is a big gamble for the government, with polls showing the Opposition party growing in popularity.

24- Sometimes I think certain people respond to polls with the answer they think is wanted, rather than with what they really believe.

25- Recent polls show that most people in this country oppose censorship of the Internet.

26- Hence, the government is happy to leave things as they are.

27- The Khmer Rouge boycott the polls and won’t demobilize their forces.

28- Find your riding Poll Tracker: Who leads the federal election polls?

29- He is hoping that high profile helps propel him forward at the polls.

30- However, in some polls, Trump’s once “yuge” lead has started to wane.

31- In November, only 39 percent of Mecklenburg voters went to the polls.

32- Many fear that the presidential polls may provoke widespread violence.

33- This time he consistently polls near the top of the pack, behind Bush.

34- U.K. Conservatives defy polls, win slim majority “We had a referendum.

35- Second and third readings have been put on hold until after the polls.

36- In the absence of opinion polls it is difficult to predict the winner.

37- At present, the same six candidates are at the top of all three polls.

38- Senator Bernie Sanders is drawing huge crowds and gaining in the polls.

39- According to opinion polls, Britain looks likely to head out of the EU.

40- Washington (11-3) has lost three straight and dropped out of the polls.

41- Mulcair and Harper are only a few percentage points apart in the polls.

42- It is proven that people love lists, infographics, polls and giveaways.

43- polls suggest their supporters are lock-step behind the prime minister.

44- Turks head to the polls on Sunday for Turkey’s parliamentary elections.

45- And these polls tend to show considerably lower numbers for Trump.

46- Sanders is surging in polls, leading Clinton in one New Hampshire survey.

47- Britain goes to the polls for a General Election on Thursday May 7, 2015.

48- In the latest national polls, Hillary Clinton leads Sanders by 33 points.

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