polluter in a sentence

Use ‘polluter’ in a sentence | ‘polluter’ example sentences

1- But far too many senators are afraid to stand up to their polluter allies.”

2- His proposal: Europe’s biggest noise polluter, Heathrow Airport, should expand.

3- A Fish and Game official called Greka the current worst inland oil polluter in California.

4- Barranquilla is the fourth biggest atmospheric polluter from industry.

5- The engine mixture then becomes increasingly rich until it becomes a Gross polluter and fails emissions.

6- “It’s devastating that the fashion industry is the second largest polluter after oil.

7- AfriForum recently indicated that government is the biggest polluter of water in South Africa, as it’s discharging approximately 3 642 million litres of sewage effluent into our rivers and dams every day.

8- It is the second largest polluter in the world after the oil industry.

9- Legal sanction for clean up is issued to the polluter within the specified time frame.

10- South African environmental law is continually evolving and now incorporates contemporary principles such as “polluter pays”, “cradle-to-grave” and the “risk averse and cautious” approach.

11- The highest cost burden of combating salinity is currently being carried by the household sector and not, as might be expected, by industry in accordance with the ‘polluter pays principle’.

12- The “polluter pays principle” holds that the financial burden for the management of radioactive waste shall be borne by the owner of that waste.

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