pollsters in a sentence

Use ‘pollsters’ in a sentence | ‘pollsters’ example sentences

1- Women leaving hotels following trysts with their extramarital lovers tell pollsters they abominate Mr. Clinton’s behavior.

2- Indeed, pollsters have struggled to predict results for recent elections.

3- The state-by-state division provided more of a “safety net” for pollsters, he said.

4- Growing up in the 1970s and ’80s, I never recall our household receiving calls from pollsters.

5- The result was far better for Cameron than opinion pollsters, or even his own party, had foreseen.

6- Since pollsters stopped taking polls two months before the election, they failed to notice a dramatic shift of votes towards Truman.

7- Singiser’s analysis also found that Monmouth’s polls had the least amount of partisan bias among 15 pollsters active throughout the fall campaign.

8- Ask the politicians, the media leaders, and the pollsters about them.

9- And while pollsters expect Trudeau to hold onto his riding, she says she’s a serious threat.

10- And yet, record numbers of voters have been telling the pollsters they’re listening to the NDP.

11- Again, nearly all of the pollsters in the field before and after the event showed a drop in Conservative support.

12- And pollsters of both major parties say many voters don’t consider Clinton to be trustworthy, a growing vulnerability.

13- As in the UK this year, pollsters and, mea culpa, journalists did not identify what the French electorate was thinking.

14- As the election campaign picks up steam, pollsters are finding a tight three-way race amid a deep desire for change among most voters.

15- ABC/Washington Post pollsters showed they collectively captured 12% of supporters on Monday, but in May the outlets found they earned 18%.

16- According to the YouGov pollsters, one possible reason to explain the pessimism could be that “wealth creates the fear of things getting worse again.”

17- And inevitably, much of it just goes to enriching insiders – strategists, consultants, pollsters, public relations experts, and ultimately, politicians.

18- Based on the preliminary official results pollsters estimated that SYRIZA will control 145 seats in the next 300-member strong assembly and ANEL 10 seats.

19- A Gift from the ‘Barbarians’ Meanwhile, reputable pollsters such as Allensbach and Infratest dimap put the AfD’s support among voters at around 8 to 10 percent.

20- And since April 2010, Privy Council Office has taken over the pollsters‘ traditional task of analyzing the raw data of those polls that ask questions about hot topics.

21- An earlier survey, conducted last week by the same Millward Brown pollsters, had found Duda coming out on top with 44 percent against 40 for the president and 16 undecided.

22- If, however, pollsters are missing something more fundamental about the electorate, then the Ohio and Illinois primaries could be a lot closer than expected.

23- Lying to pollsters is useful too – I was called and I lied.

24- Meet the backroom staff, advisers, spin doctors and pollsters behind the 2016 US election campaigns.

25- pollsters proceed from the assumption that “public opinion” is an aggregation of individual opinions, each given equal weight-an assumption Blumer demonstrated to be preposterous, since people form opinions “as a function of a society in operation.”

26- pollsters rose to prominence by claiming that measuring public opinion is good for democracy.

27- pollsters say the hardcore voters will vote in the primary, and a look at their support is a solid indicator of who may win Illinois if the state moves to an earlier primary for 2008.

28- That’s possible, say the liberal pundits and pollsters, as there are 23 Republican-held districts that voted for Mrs. Clinton in 2016.

29- “The activists flooding congressional offices with those calls are overwhelmingly female, according to a survey conducted by Democratic pollsters Lake Research Partners and shared with HuffPost,” Edwards-Levy wrote.

30- This is what pollsters do.

31- Well, I am also here to tell you that the consultants and pollsters underestimate you.

32- Why don’t the original pollsters increase their sample size until they come up with a result that is not encompassed by the margin of error?

33- Young people and women are the vanguard for this new brand of progressivism, Blendon and other pollsters told me back then.

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