pollinator in a sentence

Use ‘pollinator’ in a sentence | ‘pollinator’ example sentences

1- Efforts are being made to sustain pollinator diversity in agro and natural eco-systems by some environmental groups.

2- The Campaign also coordinates with existing projects that address specific pollinator habitats or migratory corridors.

3- In a very few cases only one species of bee can effectively pollinate a plant species, and some plants are endangered at least in part because their pollinator is dying off.

4- NAPPC works in coordination with existing local, national, and international pollinator protection plans that focus on individual species, genera, families, or classes of animals.

5- Background Plants fall into pollination syndromes that reflect the type of pollinator being attracted.

6- Flowers must also be robust enough to support the weight of the pollinator while feeding (Whitaker 1987).

7- About $2 million will restore more than 200,000 acres (81,000 hectares) of habitat from California to the Midwest, including more than 750 schoolyard habitats and pollinator gardens.

8- ‘A single pollinator imports sufficient pollen into an individual fig to initiate a full complement of seeds.’

9- Perhaps the most important cultural technique is interplanting a pollinator variety among the seedless varieties.

10- Tao wants her young son to gain an education and so rise above life as a pollinator.

11- General pollinator gardens are trendy as a way to draw beneficial and interesting wildlife, including bees of all stripes, butterflies, dragonflies and hummingbirds.

12- In particular, his PhD investigated the role of pollinator shifts as drivers of floral variation in a long proboscid fly pollination system.

13- Johnson’s research is aimed at understanding the evolutionary diversification of plants, particularly in southern Africa, the conservation of plant-pollinator mutualisms, and the reproductive biology of invasive species.

14- Like orchids, the complexity of flowers found in asclepiads (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae) and the fact that pollen is presented as pollinaria, offers excellent opportunities to study various aspects of plant-pollinator interactions.

15- The answer lies with the pollinator the flowers attract.

16- The fragrance of the flower is not pleasing to humans but attracts the Dwarf Epauletted Fruitbat (Micropteropus pusillus), its pollinator.

17- There is growing demand for pollination services in agricultural production, which contrasts with declines of wild and managed pollinator populations.

18- This particular form has unusually long styles and filaments, thought to be an adaptation to a specialist pollinator, likely a long-tongued fly.

19- We see DGMT as a light and nimble cross-pollinator, flying just off the ground, attracted by the vibrant blooms of ideas in action, and radiating our own colour.

20- When taking pictures, she likes to get a pollinator’s-eye-view of the pretty petals.

21- With special guests pollinator, Cockles and Latex Grenade.

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