pollinated in a sentence

Use ‘pollinated’ in a sentence | ‘pollinated’ example sentences

1- Most of them are wind-pollinated, or are root crops that don’t require insect pollination.

2- Some wind pollinated flowers have much reduced and modified ovaries.

3- Flowers can be pollinated with a soft brush and the resulting seeds sown in a propogater at normal room temperatures.

4- Female wasps generally lay their eggs in the short-styled flowers, while longer-styled flowers were more likely to be pollinated.

5- These pollinations should be repeated every other day, as the flowers must be cross-pollinated within one or two days of opening for pollinations to be effective.

6- Therefore, only about 10% of an Ophrys population gets pollinated.

7- For example, a flower may be pollinated by bees, butterflies, and birds.

8- Anaemophilous or wind pollinated flowers should be usually small,inconspicuos.

9- Diploid clones are still able to produce viable seeds when pollinated by wild species.

10- Pollen grains of entomophilous plants are generally larger than the fine pollens of anemophilous (wind-pollinated) plants.

11- The genus Rhodoleia is unique because it is bird-pollinated Gu, L., Z. Luo, D. Zhang, and S. S. Renner.

12- Yodfat’s Jerusalem hybrid F1 anemones and Galilee hybrid F1 anemones are hand-pollinated and unique in the cut-flower trade.

13- “About $2 billion worth of Australian crops are pollinated by bees each year, so an outbreak of pests such as varroa-mites here could be devastating,” Dr Ahmad said.

14- About one-third of our crops are pollinated by bees.

15- And without honeybees, we not only lose honey, but also a long list of crops that are pollinated by the insect: nuts, avocados, carrots, pumpkins, and many other fruits and vegetables.

16- Cannabis cultivators tend to worry about their females getting pollinated because if their crops start to produce seeds then they are not very good for smoking.

17- In nature, date palms are wind-pollinated, which is a very inefficient way to produce fruit.

18- Make sure the tomato is from a plant that was grown from an heirloom or open pollinated seed.

19- The large, creamy-white, fragrant flowers are pollinated by flies and bees during the day, and by moths nocturnally.

20- The orchid is pollinated during the collection process.

21- These trees contain both male and female flowering parts, meaning they produce pollen, and can be pollinated either by themselves, or by other plants.

22- As avocado is not wind-pollinated it requires active transfer of pollen by insects.

23- Bees and other pollinators assist in the reproduction of almost 70% of all flowering plants, while fruit and seeds from insect-pollinated plants account for more than 40% of all food and beverages consumed.

24- Cobs can best be examined at the earliest, at the soft dough stage to enable the number of rows and portion of rows that have been successfully pollinated and developed.

25- Don’t stick your nose in a carnation, chrysanthemum or other insect-pollinated flowers.

26- I have a ghost from the Huntington collection that I pollinated with FabAY2 and I have a mix of seedlings bases from pure green, blush, red, and deep maroon.

27- I have also pollinated it for the owner.

28- pollinated by fruit bats and bushbabies, the baobab can live 500 years or more.

29- Shayanowako, supervised by Professor Hussein Shimelis and Professor Mark Laing, is conducting research in South Africa and Zimbabwe, with the aim of releasing open pollinated varieties or hybrid cultivars to farmers.

30- The cross is said to have happened quite fortuitously when a Sour Dubb female was accidentally pollinated by a male Chem Sister.

31- The other reason for having the flowers down at ground level is that they are usually mouse (or small mammal) pollinated.

32- This one is pollinated by a pale green fly.

33- To prevent contamination the pollinated stigma is covered with either foil or straw cap as seen above.

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