pollinating in a sentence

Use ‘pollinating’ in a sentence | ‘pollinating’ example sentences

1- A beefly in Western Australia pollinating Stylidium The column typical of the genus Stylidium is sensitive and responds to touch.

2- Choosing cultivars can be a complex practice, based on the Alternate Bearing Index and their period of pollinating.

3- The pollen masses diverge to touch both sides of the pollinating insect.

4- This group includes not only honeybees, but also many other kinds that are more efficient at pollinating.

5- The wasps that inhabit a particular tree can be loosely divided into two groups; pollinating and non-pollinating.

6- Ecology Volunteers for the 1985 Banksia Atlas reported that moths and birds have been seen pollinating it.

7- Bees and other pollinators are responsible for pollinating more than a third of the US food supply, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, a conservation group.

8- Cross-pollinating influences, coupled with Crutchfield’s singular narrative, relegates Tourist In This Town to a lineage of breakup albums that feel universal despite their specificity.

9- In addition, bees are responsible for pollinating the majority of our food crop, so no bees means no food.

10- Take a cotton bud or a soft make up brush and gently dab the flowers to mimic the behavior of pollinating insects.

11- Tao and Kuan, parents to three-year-old Wei-Wen in 2098 China, do the one-time work of the now deceased bees, manually pollinating flowers.

12- The bees will arrive, pack mud into the tubes, and begin pollinating all the plants in your backyard.

13- In July 2010, 8 out of 11 subjects were examined who were repeatedly exposed to maize pollen by pollinating maize during their work in a biological research department.

14- It is self pollinating.

15- pollinating agents include but are not limited to wind, water, insects, mammals, birds and gravity.

16- The original percentages recovered from self pollinating have been put down to foreign pollen producing the orange flowering plants and the low seed counts to the reluctance of ‘Chubb Peach’ to self pollinate.

17- The physiology of plant pollination with reference to the pollinating agents involved is illustrated and described.

18- Tubular greenish-yellow flowers that attract many pollinating insects.

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