plotting in a sentence 4

Use ‘plotting’ in a sentence | ‘plotting’ example sentences

150- After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in vocational art and design with education from Kyambogo University in Kampala, he began plotting his way out of Uganda because of what he considered its uninspiring artistic landscape.

151- Ainz is determined to turn the Kingdom of Darkness into a utopia, but elsewhere, regional leaders are unsettled by its sudden appearance and are quickly plotting their own ways to deal with the upstart nation.

152- Alexander McCracken was jailed after plotting to have a baby that he could later abuse.

153- … Always fighting, always corrupting, always scheming, and always plotting against humanity – not just against the Muslims, but rather against all humanity.”

154- As the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) prepares to launch its United Front, a document accusing the union and individuals associated with it of plotting against the South African government to secure regime change has surfaced.

155- Before you start plotting the frequency and content of your e-mail newsletters or follow-ups, first ‘clean up’ your database.

156- Begin in a back corner of the room, plotting a path that will have you end up near an exit, pour a small S-shaped amount of wood floor polish onto the floor.

157- Both religious leaders attempt to impose their wills on the dinner and, needless to say, the meal is a disaster with both families plotting to prevent the wedding from taking place.

158- By accurately plotting the load profile for the buildings, the risk of overcapitalisation is reduced and solar potential is maximised.

159- Christopher Panayiotou, 28, and his co-accused Sizwezakhe Vumazonke, 30, believed to be the hitman, are accused of plotting to kill and murder Panayiotou’s wife Jayde.

160- Dreaming of becoming a pilot and smitten with a fellow thief named Qi’ra (Clarke), he’s plotting to use it as collateral to bribe their way to freedom on an outbound ship.

161- During plotting, I managed to miss CP12 and draw a route from CP11 straight to CP13.

162- His removal of Mchunu has now exacerbated this rejection, with some structures plotting a fight-back.

163- His servitude serves to toughen him up and as he gains the leader’s confidence he begins plotting a course of action that will eventually place him at the very top of the heap.

164- I am not at all surprised by the latest allegations against me – I have been accused of treason, conspiracy to murder and plotting an Arab-Spring style revolution, all of which have come to nought.

165- In 2007, five former security officials in South Africa’s apartheid regime received suspended prison sentences for plotting to kill Reverend Chikane by soaking his clothing in poison.

166- In business and in life, thinking ahead and plotting out how we are going to get there is strategic in nature.

167- “I spend a lot of my own time plotting and trying to fi gure out that if I sell this piece of software here, what the next sell, and the one after that?

168- It is useful when plotting by hand to use graph paper that is already scaled for the coordinate that is chosen.

169- Lots of literary inventiveness in the plotting and chunks of very good writing and characterization.

170- Manchester City have not yet held their victory parade after edging Liverpool in a thrilling Premier League title race but already they are plotting for next season.

171- Mokwena, who spent time at the Brazilians plotting the demise of the opposition, will have his first opportunity to orchestrate a blueprint to topple his mentor and former colleague Pitso Mosimane on Wednesday night.

172- Not that there weren’t a lot of commies in the left and the ANC, but their plotting was pretty ramshackle and their agenda was comprehensively dumped.

173- One wants to get the dialogue and plotting out of the way to get to the music!

174- Opal Koboi, power-crazed pixie, is plotting to exterminate.

175- “Proteas assistant coach Malibongwe Maketa was my first coach at a professional level when I joined the Titans and he also helped quite a lot in plotting my career,” said the 30-year-old.

176- She goes on to describe how, whilst he held a senior position in the DA, Botha led a secret right-wing group within the party, plotting to either take it over or destroy it.

177- The best writers understand and use this in their plotting to make their stories more gripping.

178- The Premier League is preparing for another exciting season, and with the fixture list released surely managers are already plotting.

179- There are always mitigating circumstances beyond everyones control and as a parent looks down upon their new born infant they are not plotting the ways in which to psychologically scar this new baby for life.

180- The resulting data is saved to the disk in distinct object files which allows for easy examination/plotting.

181- The software is compatible with the plotting system used by skippers to track their trawling activities.

182- Those Bliksem Commies were at it again, plotting something new for the day ahead – giving each other their instructions!

183- Use of terminology relating to plotting and projecting survey points is accurate.

184- Vertex Homes Pvt Ltd. is a property development enterprise which specializes in residential, commercial and premium plotting development.

185- Visit the and start plotting and planning what to watch when.

186- Water quality specialists needed a way of plotting the Department of Water Affairs & Forestry’s data on maps, without having to become cartographers or geographic information systems specialists.

187- We followed these tracks for some two hours or so plotting their course on my map and estimating the time since the tracks were left.

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