plans in a sentence

Use ‘plans’ in a sentence | ‘plans’ example sentences

1- Accordingly, they may propose specific noise abatement plans to the FAA.

2- Edward chose abdication in preference to abandoning his marriage plans.

3- Our plans went wrong.

4- All our plans went wrong.

5- The plans are still fluid.

6- We have some plans in view.

7- The plans have been drawn up.

8- Nothing will come of his plans.

9- He explained his plans in detail.

10- The plans are still up in the air.

11- Do you have any plans for Saturday?

12- He will get nowhere with his plans.

13- Is she sure about her travel plans?

14- I had to change my plans.

15- WestofEdenLet us know if you alter your plans.

16- We are making plans for the holidays.

17- We discussed our plans for the future.

18- They discussed the plans for the party.

19- She gave up her plans against her will.

20- She plans to stay at the Oriental Hotel.

21- You must accommodate your plans to mine.

22- At the moment, I have no plans to travel.

23- The minister approved the building plans.

24- Illness frustrated his plans for the trip.

25- Our holiday plans are still up in the air.

26- He has the ability to carry out big plans.

27- They were excited over their travel plans.

28- Their plans blew up when the war broke out.

29- His plans were regarded with some disfavor.

30- They hoped to change their outlook and plans.

31- Our plans for tomorrow depend on the weather.

32- We are making advance plans for our holidays.

33- He phoned me to talk about his holiday plans.

34- I have not the slightest interest in his plans.

35- We changed our plans because of her late arrival.

36- Let me outline for you our plans for the project.

37- The company plans to sell the new product for $,.

38- plans are under way to build a new city hospital.

39- They built the ship in accordance with the plans.

40- Have you acquainted your parents with your plans?

41- It’s easier to make plans than to carry them out.

42- As yet we have not made any plans for the holidays.

43- My boyfriend plans to save up and buy a sports car.

44- Actually, I didn’t know anything about those plans.

45- I told him of our plans, but he seemed uninterested.

46- I hope he will see me and listen to my future plans.

47- Whether he agrees or not, we won’t change our plans.

48- We haven’t changed our plans despite the poor weather.

49- We haven’t altered our plans despite the poor weather.

50- We had a chat about our plans for the summer vacation.

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