plankton in a sentence

Use ‘plankton’ in a sentence | ‘plankton’ example sentences

1- Whales feed on plankton and small fish.

2- Chalk is made from tiny plankton fossils.

3- He is an expert in the area of the effects of pollution on ocean plankton.

4- We are currently working on a project on the effect of pollution on plankton for our biology class.

5- The largest fish in the world is the whale shark, which is actually harmless because they eat only tiny plankton.

6- Recent research shows that hurricanes spur the growth of plankton in our oceans by stirring up the water, thereby bringing food and plankton to the surface where sunlight allows these tiny plants to bloom.

7- Recent research shows that hurricanes spur the growth of plankton in our oceans by stirring up the water, thereby bringing food and plankton to the surface where sunlight allows these tiny plants to bloom.

8- spyRecent research shows that hurricanes spur the growth of plankton in our oceans by stirring up the water, and thereby bringing food and plankton to the surface where sunlight allows these tiny plants to bloom.

9- A selection of plankton collected in the spring from aboard the Tara.

10- 115349Brine’s plankton Bucatini I’ll Have a Smoothie, Hold the Hairball The e-mail field is required.

11- The algae in this study were found in plankton samples originating from various regions of the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

12- Larvae Metamorphosis Tadpoles transform in approximately 23-67 days, and unlike other anurans, the larvae of G. carolinensis filter-feed on plankton.

13- Marine Biology Discussion includes the life cycles of plankton, their role in the food web and the unique chemical and physical balance that helps maintain life in the sea.

14- However, in “Krabs vs. plankton“, plankton says they used to be friends, but SpongeBob is not shocked at all.

15- This is a dangerous time for the larval octopuses; in the plankton cloud they are vulnerable to plankton eaters.

16- These wafers are advertised as being produced from “high-energy plankton“, but are actually the processed remains of human corpses.

17- Marine snow also includes fish fecal pellets and other organic detritus, and can be seen steadily falling thousands of meters below active plankton blooms.

18- Larvae drift as plankton for four to eight weeks in the coastal currents, often travelling large distances.

19- As for salps, they are large gelatinous plankton that can vertically migrate 800 meters and eat large amounts of food at the surface.

20- Trophic Strategy They are insatiable feeders of copepods and other small plankton as well as fish eggs and larvae.

21- Marine snow includes dead or dying plankton ), protists ( diatoms ), fecal matter, sand, soot and other inorganic dust.

22- The gill rakers are dark and bristle-like and are used to catch plankton as water filters through the mouth and over the gills.

23- They feed primarily on plankton, including euphausiids, copeopods, and a form of amphipod that are parasitic to jellyfish gonadal pouches.

24- The eggs may number in the thousands and hatch into microscopic larvae which feed on plankton until they undergo torsion and metamorphose the adult stage.

25- From BiotechMarine came plankton extract-based Sculptosane, said to reduce adipose tissue expansion, remodel the ECM and reduce water in fatty tissues to tackle issues such as cellulite.

26- Glowing plankton dangle over your head in one room while ethereal ocean sounds follow you through another.

27- In addition to being harmful to marine life, the debris threatens algae and plankton communities, which are critical to the entire marine food web.

28- plankton blooms are huge assemblages of both phytoplankton and zooplankton that interact in a process known as Biocenosis, generating a complex and nutrient-rich biochemical diversity.

29- The oceans aren’t really blue – thanks to chlorophyll-producing plankton, the ocean has a greenish tint.

30- Cannibalism by adult anchovy on their eggs was investigated within an area of intensive spawning over the Agulhas Bank by comparing estimates of daily per capita egg production and consumption of eggs derived from repeated sampling of plankton by CalVET.

31- Goal C: Students will be able to create plankton and describe why they designed it that way.

32- Many animals are adapted to feed on plankton, especially by filtering the water, such as certain whale and fish species.

33- Our pacific plankton is the perfect addition to our freeze dried line but most importantly, perfect for your fish.

34- plankton feeds small fishes, which in turn feed bigger fishes, sea birds, seals and whales.

35- Terns breed around the Arctic, from Iceland to Alaska, and exploit rich summertime fisheries for shrimp-like krill, other plankton and small fish in both polar regions.

36- The components of the environment are sampled using three cameras, which include a forward facing main camera, a downward facing camera and a lateral facing camera, as well as a plankton net that samples near-bottom plankton and larval samples.

37- The large number of South East gales have caused plankton swarms and the whale is taking advantage of the situation.”

38- The window has been fitted with lighting that attracts plankton which, in turn, attracts other sea life.

39- They dine on small crustaceans, insect larvae and plankton in the wild.

40- They include a combination of glycolic, lactic, salicylic and citric acids, marine plankton, horsetail extract, centella asiatica and allantoin among others.

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