plans in a sentence 4

Use ‘plans’ in a sentence | ‘plans’ example sentences

151- Gerry and Anne have tentatively made plans to visit Sophie in Kamloops next July.

152- Everything depends on Gerry getting time off work.

153- There is a Japanese proverb which states that thirty-six plans of how to win the battle are not so good as one plan to withdraw from the fight.

154- Paula Nelson once remarked that the best business plans are straightforward documents that spell out the “who, what, where, why, and how much.

155- “The government of British Columbia has revived plans to look at the possibility of building a bridge between Vancouver Island and the mainland.

156- The newspaper’s persistent criticism of the city’s plans to build a new arena succeeded in preventing the poorly-planned facility from being built.

157- A local environmental group is organizing a demonstration to protest against the government’s plans to open a new nuclear energy plant in the area.

158- In February 1990, over 300 people died in riots in Venezuela’s capital city as a result of the government’s plans to raise gas prices and bus fares.

159- Motokazu Corporation has announced plans to consolidate its manufacturing and sales subsidiaries in an attempt to increase overall business efficiency.

160- One of the most difficult things to do when you become a teacher is to learn how to incorporate all the theory you learn in university into your lesson plans.

161- Daniel H.

162- Burnham once said, “Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir men’s blood.

163- .

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165- Make big plans, aim high in hope and work.

166- “Scientists say that the seemingly great differences between animals species is quite superficial, there are actually only about 6 different body plans that are repeated over and over.

167- The monster slowly emerged from the mud and slime of Venus where it had lain asleep for millions of years, and immediately began making plans for the complete destruction of the planet Earth.

168- Throat and nose membranes hurt by dry air allow cold viruses to enter more easily.

169- It is important to carry out sensible counter plans against the cold with heaters and against the dryness with humidifiers.

170- Harry Truman once stated, “You can always amend a big plan, but you can never expand a little one.

171- I don’t believe in little plans.

172- I believe in plans big enough to meet a situation which we can’t possibly foresee now.

173- “He has since returned to active umpiring with no plans to slow down.

174- She plans to host a “People’s Budget” event on Oct. 27 at City Hall.

175- 325168If he has any plans for future blockbusters, he’s not saying.

176- plans are underway to expand the project to two other villages soon.

177- Kennedy Center President Deborah Rutter is announcing plans Tuesday.

178- The authorities have no plans of raising wages and salaries in 2015.

179- Bergstra plans to table her idea at the school board’s next meeting.

180- There are plans to expand it to Benton County by the end of the year.

181- 202775Each student was given an identical set of plans to work from.

182- We are, finally, making plans for a holiday at the end of the summer.

183- He has pleaded not guilty and plans to take the stand in his defense.

184- 772755The public is invited, and encouraged to make plans to attend.

185- Jones said she was not at liberty to give details of those plans yet.

186- Mr Swinney is due to present his 2016-17 spending plans on Wednesday.

187- Microsoft is also effectively doubling prices for some storage plans.

188- To view or comment on the plans click here using reference 15/504228.

189- plans to expand overseas by 2017 are also currently under discussion.

190- The company plans to open another warehouse in Kent within 12 months.

191- A display of preliminary architectural plans for the library renewal.

192- He plans to teach this weekend as scheduled, according to the church.

193- plans are in place to expand service to other stations in the future.

194- plans are already afoot to convert the tunnels into a history museum.

195- Yet there is also some opposition to the cull plans within Australia.

196- Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams agree to take the plans to their members.

197- The city plans to pay for improvements through several pots of money.

198- 776289There are no plans for Obama to meet with Netanyahu next week.

199- Most U.S. carriers are moving to device payment plans over 24 months.

200- Existing customers, however, were able to keep their unlimited plans.

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