planned in a sentence 2

Use ‘planned’ in a sentence | ‘planned’ example sentences

50- planned Parenthood has said it has done nothing illegal or improper.

51- A memorial service is planned for the spring in Chelsea, Cilley said.

52- If you want less abortion, you want to do harm to planned Parenthood.

53- 879181Understock said it should definitely be planned for next year.

54- Earthfest was planned for late-October so as to avoid typhoon season.

55- 720603The first two phases opened as planned during the end of 2014.

56- News, Opinion & Analysis Is the GOP Blowing It on planned Parenthood?

57- That’s why can’t I sleep at night, worrying about planned Parenthood.

58- He said the family planned to hire a lawyer and appeal the sentences.

59- “If that airline job had gone as planned it would have eclipsed 9/11.

60- Figures Friday showed that tax revenues are not coming in as planned.

61- CBS Evening News FBI investigates attacks on planned Parenthood off..

62- His funeral, planned for later this month, will be open to the public.

63- Only 23 have opened in Japan so far, with hundreds more being planned.

64- Records show that his return from Spain had been planned weeks before.

65- The chancellor surprised many by axing planned changes to tax credits.

66- The city also planned for high-rises to be built near a Skytrain line.

67- At the breakfast, Cuomo was asked if he planned to speak to the mayor.

68- A statement in January said all 11 nations planned to vote for Blatter.

69- The official said more significant construction is planned for October.

70- No one is certain why the plane deviated so far from its planned route.

71- A public memorial is being planned, but details haven’t been announced.

72- If he planned to disappear, why didn’t he take his medication with him?

73- Gissendaner planned but did not carry out her husband’s murder in 1997.

74- Clinton also cited Bush’s opposition to funding for planned Parenthood.

75- A university spokesman said she would attend a dinner event as planned.

76- Still, planned Parenthood client numbers nationwide are on the decline.

77- The only planned stop is in Carmacks, with no time for bathroom breaks.

78- Seattle was planned as the home base for the Arctic drilling operation.

79- The planned US B-3 bomber will cost approximately 550 million US$ each.

80- Most of the devices fell off the bears involved in the study as planned.

81- “In the first quarter of 2015 we were already above our planned figures.

82- The presidency made no mention of when it planned to release the report.

83- They planned to meet Fraser and his brother, Jay, in Nepal to go hiking.

84- These strategic changes are by nature not planned with much forethought.

85- However, the decision to abandon planned new stores attracted criticism.

86- 716078The family has no formal services planned at this time, Dey said.

87- 573343Production on Nocturnal Animals”” is planned to begin this fall.”

88- 100694Beau Biden had planned to run for governor of Delaware next year.

89- FBI Special Agent Andrew Vale said Howells carefully planned what he did.

90- The break was planned “with or without Zayn” Malik, who left 1D in March.

91- Hardman explained, looking at renovations planned for her northeast home.

92- “I don’t think women would lose anything if planned Parenthood shut down.

93- The planned ship will be the fifth in naval history named for Cincinnati.

94- The planned 2016 test drives will also take place in the Kalahari Desert.

95- He also said she planned to leave her husband days before she was killed.

96- Our planned reforms are necessary, but we are deciding on them ourselves.

97- She planned to spend the evening putting sandbags in front of her garage.

98- This puts peace talks planned for Wednesday in Berlin into serious doubt.

99- APPEAL planned “We will appeal this verdict and hope it will be reversed.

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