patronage in a sentence 3

Use ‘patronage’ in a sentence | ‘patronage’ example sentences

101- Troubadour works Peter matched his father in patronage of the arts and literature, but unlike him he was a lover of verse, not prose.

102- Badan Singh in turn gave them patronage, which ensured their political survival Badan Singh.

103- ” Decline By the 1950s, two major influences factored into a slow decline in the Plaza Theatre’s patronage.

104- In 1874, Colvin’s administration was rocked by allegations of patronage and a scandal in the city treasurer’s office.

105- Many of Plymouth’s MPs, naval or otherwise, justified the borough’s confidence in them by bringing patronage to the town.

106- Wounded soldiers returning from the Gallipoli Campaign founded the organisation in 1916, and it received royal patronage in 1920.

107- By now Leigh & Orange, encouraged by the patronage of Sir Paul Chater, was considered the prime architectural office of the colony.

108- Manca 1989; pp. 525, 529 The scale and consistency of Ercole’s patronage of the arts was in part a political and cultural statement.

109- Taoism was the state religion of the early Han Dynasty, and also often enjoyed state patronage under subsequent emperors and dynasties.

110- In 1691, attempting to compromise Halifax, he discredited himself by the patronage of an informer named Fuller, soon proved an impostor.

111- In 1810 Ingres’s pension at the Villa Medici ended, but he decided to stay in Rome and seek patronage from the French occupation government.

112- Miller Verghy extended her patronage on the impoverished Caragiale, and, according to Grigri Ghica, helped him store his belongings in a stable she owned.

113- Nearly 18 kambalas are held under the banner of Kambala Samithi and the rest are held under the auspices of temples, political patronage and aristocratic Bunt households.

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