patronage in a sentence

Use ‘patronage’ in a sentence | ‘patronage’ example sentences

1- His patronage was exercised through local bishops.

2- Learning and scholarship received great state patronage .

3- He maintained control through generous patronage to political allies.

4- His subsequent career depended on private patronage .

5- Their life tenure means they defy patronage .

6- This is why patronage is so important .

7- It was soon discontinued for lack of patronage !

8- Such art patronage does not come cheap.

9- A name that implies royal or government patronage .

10- The patronage was equally divided between the two officers.

11- Foreign aid greatly increases the patronage power of recipient governments.

12- It was closed in 1971 due to low patronage .

13- Since 2006 public transport patronage has grown by over 20%.

14- Data on patronage refunds are not available.

15- Private patronage also appears in carnival songs.

16- The abbot had patronage rights at the church.

17- The goal was to increase patronage and public acceptance.

18- He gave patronage to the classical musicians.

19- Bishops in wealthy cities were thus able to offer vast patronage .

20- The college enjoyed royal patronage in its early years.

21- The cynical answer is the spoils of patronage .

22- The reason is that with federal patronage comes federal leverage.

23- Many religious orders and communities are placed under his patronage .

24- I spread my patronage pretty evenly across the remaining four shops .

25- Such posts were awarded through patronage , not merit.

26- These undercut Buddhist patronage and popular support.

27- The Institute has always enjoyed generous patronage and support.

28- A better answer is open under any system: less patronage .

29- The bus line was 70 per cent Negro in patronage .

30- A more effectual bribe was personal patronage .

31- Baronial patronage decreased whereas episcopal and later municipal patronage increased.

32- Baronial patronage decreased whereas episcopal and later municipal patronage increased.

33- Patronage maintained strong political organizations by offering campaign workers rewards.

34- A number of deaf artists and sculptors therefore enjoyed her patronage .

35- New ideas about citizenship coexist with older forms of patronage .

36- Course will be organized around cultural centers their artistic patronage .

37- It resulted in employment and patronage for life.

38- Independence of subsidy, gift and patronage .

39- He comments on new forms of patronage .

40- There are other problems associated with both individual patronage and subscriptions. Eadburh was appointed abbess under the patronage of King Wulfhere of Mercia.

41- Thank you for your patronage.

42- We really thank you for your patronage.

43- Accusations of political patronage have been denied by the government.

44- Patronage in government often leads to widespread corruption and inefficiency.

45- Government patronage of the arts in this country is not nearly as extensive as in Europe.

46- Royal patronage of the arts declined in Europe subsequent to the death of Louis XIV in 1715.

47- Royal patronage of the arts in Europe steadily declined following the death of Louis XIV in 1715.

48- It provided an alternative structure of clientelism and patronage,” Dukhan and Hawat wrote.

49- Electrical works have definitely been used in many countries for patronage, Bankole Jarrett said.

50- They regarded them from afar , with a delicate patronage.

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