patronage in a sentence 2

Use ‘patronage’ in a sentence | ‘patronage’ example sentences

51- ” He regarded each relief job as Democratic patronage.

52- Phoebe Barton – An aspiring artist who is tricked into sleeping with Roddy by his promises of artistic patronage.

53- The living is a discharged rectory with the vicarage of Claxby united and is in the patronage of B Dash wood esq.

54- This early ability to attract noble patronage was an art he continued to deploy to advantage for many years to come.

55- Veena Shamanna was the son of Rama Bhagavatar, an immigrant from Tanjore who came to Mysore during a famine, seeking royal patronage.

56- The crown was often happy to ‘sell’ captain positions on India runs as a form of royal patronage to candidates with little or no experience at sea.

57- Americans at the time typically thought of virtue as being the “glue” that held together a republic, where as patronage, dependency and coercion held together a monarchy.

58- Ganjo Sinbo (The Seoul News) was published as a weekly newspaper under the patronage of both Gojong & the Queen Consort, it was written half in Korean and half in Japanese.

59- Parkwood Shopping Centre was built in 1979, but has recently been demolished due to low patronage and now only consists of a few convenience stores and a small medical clinic.

60- Under Krishnaraja IV, art received further patronage.

61- However Philosophers needed Patronage in order to live.

62- Leiden with support and patronage from Encyclopaedia of Islam.

63- The king had become dependent on it and was unable to maintain the custom of royal patronage without it.

64- The Baroque Ruler Plön enjoyed a vibrant cultural life under Frederick Charles’s rule and artistic patronage.

65- ” The gallery ran at a loss for almost a decade, and was supported by Arts Council grants and other patronage.

66- Shivaist Hindu gain royal patronage again since the reign of Pikatan, well until the end of the Medang kingdom.

67- His campaign portrayed Barthelemy as an inattentive mayor better at distributing patronage than generating income.

68- These produced historians, lawyers and a professional literary class which depended on the aristocracy for patronage.

69- The rise of Thatta as an important commercial and cultural centre was directly related to his patronage and policies.

70- Diwan There is scarce information about other court poets who flourished under the patronage of the Fatimid Caliph Imams.

71- A nunnery, Shenpen Samten Ling (“Place of Concentration Benefiting Others”), opened in 1989 under the patronage of Lama Zopa.

72- The governance of Ely and Sheppey under two queens of East Anglian birth created an enduring axis of patronage and influence.

73- The Haram was the focus of extensive royal patronage by the sultans during the Mamluk period, which lasted from 1250 until 1510.

74- The Company’s early years were quite successful with growth in patronage necessitating the purchase of additional rolling stock.

75- Lines S1 (between Basel SBB and Stein – Säckingen ) and S3 (between Olten and Laufen ) with a large patronage run every half hour.

76- The word “patron” derives from the Latin patronus, “patron,” one who gives benefits to his clients (see Patronage in ancient Rome ).

77- Role in fiction, film and art The Monferrine court was Occitan in its literary culture, and provided patronage to numerous troubadors.

78- They would look through the compositions and appeals submitted and suggest which composers were deserving of patronage and public attention.

79- Tansen, born in Behat, trained in music at Vrindavan, served Raja Ramchandra Waghela of Bandhawgarh, then went to Agra under the patronage of Akbar.

80- The CAC exhibits, which had been in museums and in the Hollyhock House, were held in less prestigious venues and patronage became a secondary concern.

81- This was a major commercial centre, under the patronage of the abbot, and outside the boundaries and control of the Cathedral City, dominated by the bishop.

82- The original church patronage, to St. Kilian, likely goes back to the 8th century when the original parish of Königsfeld belonged to the Bishopric of Würzburg.

83- The Monegasque Scout organization was under the patronage of French Scouting since 1918, and became an independent member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1990.

84- Cosimo was also noted for his patronage of culture and the arts, liberally spending the family fortune (which his astute business sense considerably increased) to enrich Florence.

85- The English society received royal patronage in 1840.

86- In 1931, he worked for the National patronage of Tourism of Spain.

87- H.Sh.H.M, est. 1985), under the patronage of the National Prelacy.

88- She is described as “formidable” and “a manipulator of wide patronage”.

89- The Rega is a non-profit foundation financed through donations and patronage.

90- He’s dating Roni and taking Natascha as a beginner artist under his patronage.

91- This “patronage” may be more advertising than analogous to traditional medieval patronage.

92- He may lift a person up and carry him or her around to indicate his special attention and patronage.

93- Surviving record books from luxury goods merchants provide insight into patterns of patronage and taste.

94- Under al-Hajjaj’s patronage, he took Rayy from the rebel Umar ibn Abi’l-Salt in 701, and became the city’s governor.

95- Henry II of England and the chantry The family of King Henry II of England contributed greatly to religious patronage.

96- Mr Acheson goes on to suppose that Chapman’s erotic poems were written with a view to gaining Southampton’s patronage.

97- Fieschi held various church appointments in England from 1319 and may also have been attempting to gain royal patronage.

98- In 1184, a further charter was issued by Lord Rhys re-affirming Strata Florida as a monastery under the patronage of Deheubarth.

99- Kannauj ‘s last Rathore ruler was Jayachand, who gave more patronage to Sanskrit (which was no longer the common man’s language).

100- However, Henry’s patronage of explorations had shown that profits could be made in trade which followed the exploration of new lands.

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