parameters in a sentence 4

Use ‘parameters’ in a sentence | ‘parameters’ example sentences

151- “General Method for Calculating Helical parameters of Polymer Chains from Bond Lengths, Bond Angles, and Internal-Rotation Angles”.

152- A SoundFont bank also contains other music synthesis parameters such as loops, vibrato effect, and velocity sensitive volume changing.

153- T4 is used by developers as part of an application or tool framework to automate the creation of text files with a variety of parameters.

154- As can be seen here, plasma polymerization is a very complex process, with many parameters effecting everything from rate to chain length.

155- From a frequentist approach, uncertainty about the parameters is taken into account in the probability distribution of the test statistic.

156- Radar imaging can yield good information about asteroid shapes and orbital and rotational parameters, especially for near-Earth asteroids.

157- Sellers control all of the pricing parameters, setting the minimum advance they are willing to accept and the maximum fee they are willing to pay.

158- Percutaneous sacral nerve root stimulation (PNS) was able to produce statistically significant improvements in several parameters, including pain.

159- Moreover, a number of force-field parameters are available that provide information about the charge and radii of atoms in different amino-acid groups.

160- Mechanography (also referred to as jumping mechanography) is a medical diagnostic measurement method for motion analysis by means of physical parameters.

161- Preliminary design phase The design configuration arrived at in the conceptual design phase is then tweaked and remodeled to fit into the design parameters.

162- Any eco-physiological quantity that can be written as function of DEB parameters can, for this reason, also be written as function of the maximum body size.

163- Physiological parameters, such as skin conductance, provides additional, objective measurements that allow a deeper insight into the decision making process.

164- ” Occasionally, Fisher demonstrates complete contempt for the mission objectives to the point where the player may decide to not comply with all the parameters.

165- Subpage Rules If you make a user template in a user subpage then make sure to put this on it in noinclude parameters: Rules *DO NOT copy the source of this userbox.

166- Florida felt that the three-address instruction format, including the addresses of two parameters and a result, would make programming easier than a register-based system.

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