parameters in a sentence 3

Use ‘parameters’ in a sentence | ‘parameters’ example sentences

101- Smagorinsky, J., 1960: General circulation experiments with the primitive equations as a function of the parameters.

102- By providing measurable SLAs, corporations can define reliability parameters and set up a high quality of their services.

103- The 205 was an instant hit, and the styling parameters that it set were echoed in every Peugeot model that was to follow.

104- The user may directly enter numerical values for the parameters of the selected object, or they may be altered using the tools.

105- Frequency-domain methods find the transformation parameters for registration of the images while working in the transform domain.

106- Basic/Unconstrained genericity Generic classes are declared with their class name and a list of one or more formal generic parameters.

107- OSPF will not function efficiently if such parameters are inconsistent, resulting in ephemeral traffic loops and poor network performance.

108- Copper wire does pose some challenges in that it is harder than both gold and aluminum, so bonding parameters must be kept under tight control.

109- 2. DiffTool DiffTool is the derivative of MainObject, which parses the command line parameters and processes the list of files for each baseline.

110- Misner showed that the shape parameters act like the coordinates of a point mass moving in a triangular potential with steeply rising walls with friction.

111- Lock-in: It provides an opportunity to buy non-locking shares and as such is an easy mechanism if corporate governance and other required parameters are in place.

112- The key hallmarks of RBP are pricing freedom from product centric constraints and flexibility to include cross-product and customer specific parameters for pricing.

113- The user can witness representations of changes over time, while manipulating the direction of view, the pace or the parameters of the map displayed (MacEachren 1998).

114- Each has a specific action, with parameters customize the action.

115- In Generics In Java Generics, type parameters must be reference types.

116- Examples of such names are parameters of functions and local variables.

117- A Panel is a graphical interface for setting the parameters of one Device.

118- Behavioral parameters studied included swimming, pulsing, and orientation.

119- Add (view page to see parameters) to your user page to display the userbox.

120- RAVs also supports modification of the view according to different grouping parameters.

121- Chips may be long spirals or small flakes, depending on the material, and process parameters.

122- Generally, an elastic variable is one which responds a lot to small changes in other parameters.

123- F.A.: Log-normal distribution of physiological parameters and the coherence of biological systems.

124- The original suggested choice of parameters were a block size of 64 bits, a 128-bit key and 12 rounds.

125- The use of empirical parameters appears to allow some inclusion of correlation effects into the methods.

126- There are 16 general parameter registers (GPRM) to hold temporary values and 24 system parameters (SPRM).

127- The IRP with all of its parameters can be put on a queue if the I/O request cannot be performed immediately.

128- Forming parameters and part geometry can be altered quickly, at less cost than other metal forming techniques.

129- A line in Plücker coordinates has still four out of six independent parameters, so it is not a minimal representation.

130- Name parameters like the Boolean parameter in the example are a property of the attribute and should be a constant value.

131- Averaging is an advantage when the formation is being evaluated for seismic parameters, a different area of formation evaluation.

132- A slide’s design parameters are its height, depth, extension, weight rating, durability, serviceability, and smoothness of operation.

133- The group influences the educational community and others who need to understand the parameters for implementing Title I requirements.

134- Very exciting about this approach is that the parameters for these objects are quite simple.

135- FreeBSD used this in 1994, improving it by accepting one or two numeric command-line parameters.

136- Unique I 2 t parameters are provided by charts in manufacturer data sheets for each fuse family.

137- The LOC will not be opened for less than three identity parameters other than name of the subject.

138- These generally provide additional parameters to the player, or offer alterations to the overall timbre.

139- Weapons can also be improved, and can gain a +1 beside their name to indicate their increased parameters.

140- “, or just the command name without parameters (if parameters are required) will also elicit information.

141- MAC handles the scheduling of data on air interface depending on higher layer (RRC) configured parameters.

142- The audiologist also selects the appropriate speech processing strategy and program parameters for the user.

143- Few of ALGOL’s successors have corrected this situation by – making value parameters read only – most have not.

144- Sysctl is an interface for examining and dynamically changing parameters in the BSD and Linux operating systems.

145- The z-parameters of the combined network are found by matrix addition of the two individual z-parameter matrices.

146- The new uniform will have vests with sensors to monitor their health parameters and provide quick medical relief.

147- However, some parameters can often be displayed in profile view showing a vertical profile of the parameter mapped.

148- Aeroponic conditions refers to air culture environmental parameters for sustaining plant growth for a plant species.

149- Typical design parameters and specifications will require either compliance with ASME RTP-1 or accreditation from ASME.

150- When one is engineering live sound for any auditorium, one must deal with the acoustic parameters of that particular auditorium.

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