Use ‘parameters’ in a sentence | ‘parameters’ example sentences
51- Since I’m new at this job, I’d like to know exactly what the parameters are, as laid out in the official job description.
52- After analyzing the available data, we decided to modify the original parameters of the spreadsheet to accommodate more information.
53- Wha?
54- Study, reflexes, all the parameters are MAX! You’ve even saved money up to the limit .
55- .
56- .
57- Amazing.
58- In a dynamic institute of this kind, the parameters outlining the relationship between teachers and learners are constantly being explored and redefined.
59- Andrea Dworkin once suggested that men have defined the parameters of every subject, and that all feminist arguments, however radical in intent or consequence, are with or against assertions or premises implicit in the male system.
60- parcelAndrea Dworkin once suggested that men have defined the parameters of every subject, and that all feminist arguments, however radical in intent or consequence, are with or against assertions or premises implicit in the male system.
61- premiumThis automatically configured the best performance parameters and conditions.
62- Even the idea of tweaking those parameters is hiding their inherent complexity.
63- “The world will lay down the parameters for us and we will follow them, it cannot be.
64- “We have reached solutions on key parameters of a joint comprehensive plan of action.
65- Later UFO expanded the strike parameters in an attempt to ground all Lufthansa flights.
66- DevOps has its parameters, but it’s ultimately what you make it within your organization.
67- Among them are the parameters the judge sets and the people who happened to be called to the pool.
68- On April 2, Iran and the six agreed in Lausanne, Switzerland, on the parameters for a final agreement.
69- Metric rolling-element bearings have alphanumerical designations, defined by ISO 15, to define all of the physical parameters.
70- Two sample paths of Geometric Brownian motion, with different parameters.
71- Commands are organized in hierarchical command tables with typed parameters.
72- Similarly, an inelastic variable describes one which does not change much in response to changes in other parameters.
73- In EMML 1.1, parameters can be supplied in a semi-colon delimited list, much like styles in a CSS style block in HTML.
74- A coal in Alabama and a coal in Colorado may have radically different Langmuir parameters, despite otherwise similar coal properties.
75- Hence, a PCell represents a part or a component of the circuit that is dependent on one or more parameters and is not a fixed element.
76- DOS JCL to some extent mitigates the difficulties of positional parameters by using more statements with fewer parameters than OS JCL.
77- The model uses a basic regression formula with parameters that are derived from historical project data and current project characteristics.
78- These four material parameters are ε, µ, κ and χ or permittivity, permeability, strength of chirality, and the Tellegen parameter respectively.
79- His early influence in setting the parameters of the EEC can still be seen today, most notably with the controversial Common Agriculural Policy.
80- These parameters were most clearly articulated in the various rubrics of the successive prayer books, as well as the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion.
81- These allow any type to be defined without specifying all the other types it uses-the unspecified types are supplied as ‘parameters‘ at the point of use.
82- The windshear was produced by the front passing over the airport ; accompanied by intensive variation of wind parameters as well as by heavy rain on the runway itself.
83- An example of how accurate a long-range shooter has to establish sighting parameters to calculate a correct ballistic solution is explained by these test shoot results.
84- Theories requiring fine-tuning are regarded as problematic in the absence of a known mechanism to explain why the parameters happen to have precisely the needed values.
85- The guidelines set out the basic parameters that every water system should strive to achieve in order to provide the cleanest, safest and most reliable drinking water possible.
86- This is valuable because there have been so many scientific papers that have used NPQ for plant stress measurement, as compared to papers that have used lake model parameters.
87- Delivery and location parameters may also be considered.
88- Modern physics breaks down when such parameters are infinite and zero.
89- The wheel size for a motor vehicle or similar wheel has a number of parameters.
90- Neon gobies are not difficult to keep, and accept a wide variety of water parameters.
91- By passing suitable parameters, the symbol table was made to sort on basis of address.
92- Any fine-tuning of cosmological parameters weaken the independency of the fundamental theory.
93- In NLLSQ (non-linear least squares) the parameters appear as functions, such as and so forth.
94- MIDI messages can often also be used to control parameters of both instrument and effect plugins.
95- The programme leader had to keep a variety of socio-economic and geology related parameters in mind.
96- Each form uses a regular method declaration with a special name (with no parameters and no return value).
97- The classes can be based upon a variety of parameters, such as priority, interface, or originating program.
98- The knowledge of energy distribution inside mills is critical to the determination of parameters in PBM model.
99- The y-parameters of the combined network are found by matrix addition of the two individual y-parameter matrices.
100- Anaerobic acidogenesis of a complex wastewater: I. The influence of operational parameters on reactor performance.
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