Use ‘paramedics’ in a sentence | ‘paramedics’ example sentences
101- Her nephew, Mark “Ace” Kolmar, works with the paramedics.
102- Manpower includes 1 full time chief, 6 Fire/paramedics, and 6 Fire/EMT personnel.
103- paramedics Plus is a wholly owned subsidiary of East Texas Medical Center (ETMC), based in Tyler, Texas.
104- Chamberlin was allegedly advised by 9-1-1 operators to put Melvoin’s head in the shower in an attempt to revive him until paramedics arrived.
105- Originally,m the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department provided the pilots and performed the maintenance, and Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue provide two flight paramedics.
106- He was revived by paramedics but did not regain consciousness.
107- paramedics had their hands full with hundreds of people who fainted due to the heat.
108- Nearby climbers provided first aid until rescuers and paramedics arrived and stabilized him.
109- These include cooks and kitchen staff, paramedics, police and firemen, social service and employment agency representatives.
110- As paramedics tend to him where he fell, as darkness falls, Andropolis is overcome by the need to “finish” the task of the race.
111- Ambulance coverage is provided by Media Fire Hook & Ladder Co Staffed By Riddle paramedics.
112- Two levels of paramedics work in Greater Sudbury, primary care and advanced care paramedics.
113- Medical and trauma patients are transported by American Medical Response paramedics and EMTs.
114- The Bureau also provides continuing education to all of the department’s EMTs and paramedics.
115- A man, believed to be in his late 20s, was treated by paramedics in Ilford Hill at about 7.30 pm.
116- The paramedics interpreted Farah’s erratic behaviour as a result of drug use and feared that he could become violent.
117- paramedics, firefighters and police found themselves in danger because their radio systems were not compatible with each other.
118- Some paramedics have begun to specialize their practice, frequently in association with the environment in which they will work.
119- On February 21, 1982, paramedics found Jenny Ann face down on Johnson’s bed with foam coming out of her mouth, but were unable to resuscitate her.
120- EMTs and paramedics will be responsible for establishing care to victims of the fire and monitoring firefighters who recently exited the building.
121- Emergency responders and paramedics were initially blocked at the door to the training by est staff, but they pushed past in order to attend to Slee.
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