Use ‘paramedics’ in a sentence | ‘paramedics’ example sentences
51- paramedics treated the driver at the scene but he was not taken to hospital.
52- “paramedics treat patients in emergency situations where lives are in peril.
53- All suspects were checked out with paramedics and no injuries were reported.
54- When they arrived, paramedics discovered a 20-year-old man dead at the scene.
55- Officers and paramedics were responding to a call of a woman being assaulted.
56- King County paramedics evaluated all five and two were taken to the hospital.
57- The hiker was helped by the Ridge Meadow Search and Rescue Team and paramedics.
58- Officer James Craig tried to get Middleton to talk while paramedics were called.
59- Manning all of this is a crew of 20, including doctors, paramedics, and one cook.
60- The police news release said officers performed CPR before the paramedics arrived.
61- While paramedics treated the boy on scene, he was not taken to hospital, she said.
62- 282144He said he kept the position until paramedics arrived, apparently in Arras.
63- Loewen said the paramedics were the same ones who picked her up earlier in the day.
64- 551595paramedics were called to the Almshouses area of College Road just after 5pm.
65- The officer continues compressions until paramedics arrive about five minutes later.
66- The game was held up for more than half-an-hour while Jamie was treated by paramedics.
67- paramedics treated the woman on the plane, but she declined further medical attention.
68- Though paramedics responded, MacDonald says that the shooting victim died at the scene.
69- Jeff Helpard of EHS says no matter what the road conditions are, paramedics will respond.
70- Bend Fire Department paramedics arrived and attempted to save all those who were injured.
71- He is believed to have suffered minor injuries and was treated at the scene by paramedics.
72- Dunbrack Street heading south was closed while paramedics got the woman into an ambulance.
73- Patients with less urgent concerns can wait up to three days to be seen by the paramedics.
74- paramedics respond, on average, to one or two suicide calls during every four-day rotation.
75- Some people react angrily and lash out, saying police and paramedics have ruined their high.
76- Shelly Nelson, Talon’s grandmother, also met the paramedics for the first time on Wednesday.
77- paramedics put both children on spine boards as a precaution before taking them to hospital.
78- paramedics and a physician were in Kerry’s motorcade at the time of the accident, Kirby said.
79- paramedics drove the man to nearby Lincoln Medical Center, where doctors pronounced him dead.
80- Tourists and media looked on as paramedics battled in vain to massage his heart back to life.
81- Firefighters administered first aid until paramedics arrived to provide advanced life support.
82- Police say he was a suspect in a domestic assault and interfered with paramedics at the scene.
83- Yesenia saw the paramedics trying to talk to a woman who’d been hurt and was still in the car.
84- The pair were found severely injured by paramedics following the explosion near Russell Square.
85- 88481At one point, firefighters and paramedics were working to resuscitate four people at once.
86- A short time later, paramedics arrived and transported the boy to hospital in critical condition.
87- When paramedics arrived, a “medical attempt” was made before they took the woman to the hospital.
88- Fire crews cut the woman free from her car and she was transferred into the care of the paramedics.
89- Police say Clark was a suspect in a domestic assault and was shot after interfering with paramedics.
90- The suspect was given a hot shower on site to keep his temperature up until paramedics could arrive.
91- At the scene, police found Clark interfering with paramedics who were attempting to help the victim.
92- – Breaking News Web Shows Resources Wisconsin paramedics rescue man, then shovel his d..
93- Currently there are 28 paid part-time Firefighter/paramedics and 11 volunteer firefighters in Ovilla.
94- Three years ago, when the first paramedics started making house calls, they saw about 1,600 patients.
95- Hunter’s surgeon credited the quick response of bystanders and paramedics with saving the teen’s life.
96- She was dead by the time she was reached by paramedics.
97- Police and paramedics were called when Mubenga lost consciousness.
98- While being checked by the paramedics, Tyler stayed with her the whole time.
99- Her husband, was among the paramedics who responded to the shooting, to discover that his wife was among the victims.
100- Courses Offered The college imparts training to overcome the dearth of technicians in various disciplines and specialties of paramedics in medical professional in Pakistan.
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