Use ‘paramedics’ in a sentence | ‘paramedics’ example sentences
1- This procedure is commonly performed by flight paramedics .
2- Park medical staff and local paramedics responded immediately.
3- The friend administered CPR until paramedics arrived .
4- The officer contacted the student and paramedics .
5- The paramedics and nurses are highly dedicated and skilled individuals.
6- He survives and is taken away by paramedics .
7- Hospital paramedics are increasingly employed in both outpatient and inpatient areas.
8- He too was covered in blood when paramedics arrived .
9- The station showed paramedics trying to revive a wounded girl .
10- Was it actually 25 minutes until the paramedics arrived ?
11- The footage showed paramedics handling Duggan’s body.
12- They trained a lot of paramedics and physicians.
13- What observations did the paramedics make? 2.
14- Police and paramedics soon arrived on the scene.
15- Some paramedics are concerned about being mistaken as police or firefighters.
16- The education and skills required of paramedics vary by state.
17- His friends attempted CPR and contacted the paramedics .
18- Three of the original paramedics are still certified in 2011.
19- When he refused to leave , paramedics called police.
20- Frey was pronounced dead at the scene when paramedics arrived .
21- If you need immediate medical assistance, call 911 for paramedics .
22- There were also paramedics in the courtroom.
23- Then the paramedics began working on her.
24- The paramedics checked her oxygen level which ended up being okay.
25- We made a decision and called the paramedics .
26- Fortunately the paramedics on duty were able to stabilize both patients.
27- In one instance, paramedics are seen performing CPR.
28- paramedics are employed by various public and private emergency service providers.
29- Hoffer hosted that refractive paramedics could turn computational team.
30- An airstrike hit an ambulance, killing three paramedics .
31- The organization has 8 paramedics and 43 active EMTs.
32- Whatever you don’t put paramedics in riot gear!
33- The student was transported to Porter Hospital by paramedics .
34- Ninety-one paramedics and 71 journalists were also injured.
35- I did awake when the paramedics came to my house.
36- paramedics treat an injured man outside the mall.
37- Many of the officers were Lake Zurich paramedics .
38- These paramedics receive additional training beyond normal EMS medicine.
39- The lives of many American soldiers were saved by German paramedics .
40- They said workers on the ride directed paramedics to her location . With the abolishment of mandatory retirement, paramedics may work past the age of 65 as part-time employees.
41- The police cordoned off the building while paramedics attended to the injured.
42- When the hockey player fell and injured his neck, paramedics immediately immobilized him to prevent him from injuring himself further.
43- I had already called the paramedics and was waiting for them to come.
44- He was still on the scene when paramedics arrived to attend to Harris.
45- The Eagle Fire Department and Ada County paramedics were also on scene.
46- Plus, he said, the paramedics helping with the delivery are experienced.
47- The woman, who was from Calgary, died before paramedics could reach her.
48- Iupati was stabilized by paramedics and taken to a Seattle-area hospital.
49- By the time paramedics arrived, Perez’s job was done — but not forgotten.
50- He and a passing sheriff’s deputy helped the girl until paramedics arrived.
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