planned in a sentence 5

Use ‘planned’ in a sentence | ‘planned’ example sentences

199- 1634 more results not shown. » 1. Why is planned giving so important for your nonprofit?

200- Abby Walker Mulgrew is counting on two things to breathe life back into her marriage: the Alaskan cruise she and her husband, Wil, have planned, and the see-through negligee she has purchased for the trip.

201- A campaign launch is planned for Wednesday.

202- According to another survey by student loan refinancing site (which owns Student Loan Report), nearly half – 44.4% – of all college students with loans planned to use student loan money to help pay for a spring break trip.

203- According to Shane, all future technology updates will be planned around the Surface Studio integration to ensure consistency across classrooms and standardized learning and teaching experiences.

204- According to the DVD commentary, herself designed Romana’s distinctive purple outfit after the originally planned costume by proved to be made of scratchy tweed.

205- A couple things: Our next store is planned.

206- Actively participated in planned governance and programme reviews to ensure timely resource investment and delivery.

207- Additional files were planned to be posted Wednesday but were blocked by U.S. District Court Judge Robert S. Lasnik.

208- Ad Server support in DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) is planned for the end of June.

209- A few days at each place with local guides and a planned tour for part of the day, then on your own later to have your own discoveries.

210- After much thought my husband and I have decided to take the journey once again, with a new pup and have planned for this.

211- After the state of Texas cut family-planning grants by 66% in 2011, forcing a third of planned Parenthood clinics in the state to close, a that pregnancy-related deaths doubled.

212- After the successful planned maintenance shutdown of a ferrochrome furnace, Outokumpu expects to achieve normalized ferrochrome production in the third quarter.

213- Again, I added animal characters I hadn’t planned for.

214- Agent, who’s now spent five months doing back flips to sell book, will earn $3,000 less than she would have if book had sold to Book 4 publisher as planned.

215- A German couple, Sondre and Jennifer, saw his photos and immediately thought of their own planned adventure wedding in Norway.

216- A host of recent upgrades have been completed and future improvements are still planned to ensure the Harrier will be in the fight until the end.

217- A huge factory was planned, with 540 workers.

218- All of the details have already been excruciatingly planned, from the color…

219- All royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to planned Parenthood.

220- All the tours were well planned and interesting.

221- Already feeling immersed in Italian culture, the three of us had planned to take a passeggio on the quiet roads around our villa or in some of the hilltowns.

222- Also, I don’t know if this is already planned, but please make an option to have the top bar sticky on all Stack Exchange sites.

223- Also included in the top 10 are advocacy groups like planned Parenthood, companies like ExxonMobil and politicians like Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-Texas, who is running to replace Republican Ted Cruz in the U.S. Senate, and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

224- Although it took a lot longer than we first planned, we’re pleased with the outcome.

225- Although the dream of using fingerprint sensors on smartphones had been around for a while, AuthenTec’s technology didn’t work quite as planned at first.

226- Although the particular plot threads are for the most part resolved, there’s plenty of room for more, and indeed it is the first of a planned series.

227- Although the show is already on high in TRPs but now the makers have planned to give strong twist in the show.

228- A master planned solar-ready community in San Diego shows builders cautiously optimistic about state’s super-green building code.

229- A memorial is being planned for the beginning of the school year at James Dunn Theatre, College of Marin.

230- Among several planned communities is Heart of Lake, designed by Stern’s firm and currently being built on an island in Xiamen.

231- AMY: Arlan planned to buy back her equity from the people who had bought it from her, which would be expensive.

232- An already planned waterfront light-rail line would link new communities with surrounding areas including the West Don Lands and Canary District.

233- An Android version is planned by year’s end.

234- An “Arab NATO” security coalition of Middle East states is being planned by Washington as a buffer to thwart Iran’s military expansionism in the region.

235- And, because I’m lazy as hell, I always keep some canned beans around for times when I want something bean-ish but haven’t planned for it.

236- And can you imagine how this planned Parenthood scandal might have evolved if Barack Obama’s Born Alive aspirations had been realized?

237- Andie had the perfect summer planned out, but the scandal interrupted her summer.

238- And if properly researched, planned and executed, paying for ads that target the exact clients that you are looking for can be a fast, effective and profitable way to grow your online business.”

239- And I had planned on getting up early this morning before the kids got up, but I stayed up way too late watching Olympic beach volleyball last night, so I figured today was a good day to check that goal off the list.

240- And, since birth control is currently the primary “treatment” of endo, millions of women rely on planned Parenthood to access the most BASIC standard of care for a disease that impacts every moment of their day.

241- And so when I went into labor with my first daughter, I let the nurse know that I planned to breastfeed immediately after giving birth.

242- And the truth is that the market is flooded with dozens of poorly planned, poorly designed, and poorly implemented headset peripherals that eschew clarity for flash and masquerade features as innovation.

243- And they have many planned.

244- An initial version of this integration, called the “Starter Set” is planned for approximately January, 1996, and a second version is planned for approximately year end 1996 (the “Open Class Starter Set”).

245- Another point of differentiation is the planned use of a conservative garbage collector to support extension modules efficiently.

246- Another town hall meeting is planned for Tuesday, Aug. 21 in Jenison.

247- A/N: So I originally planned to have both chapters 7 and 8 up today, but then Writer’s Block hit, and because I don’t want to mess up chapter 8 (It’s the most cliche, cute shit I’ve ever written for this ship) I’m going to post it next week.

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