torture in a sentence 4

Use ‘torture’ in a sentence | ‘torture’ example sentences

149- Hindus were subjected to torture frequently surpassing even the barbarity of contemporary Islamic rulers.

150- In response, Johnson insisted that the media coverage of the torture had been “baseless, groundless accusations”.

151- She herself called Bigeard a “liar”, and criticized him for continuing to deny the use of torture 40 years later.

152- ” Leckie concludes that “He does not shirk intractable issues such as the Kurdish question, or the use of torture.

153- In 2003, a book on that case was published, Attachment Therapy on Trial: The torture and Death of Candace Newmaker.

154- Many NGOs are not fully aware of how to use UN procedures to support their work in protecting victims from torture.

155- Domonkos spent a week in the hospital and died at home shortly afterward, mainly due to the torture he had suffered.

156- The images cause teenagers to torture themselves with diets, beauty regimes and exercise, all in order to fit the mould.

157- He is highly protective of her and is willing to do anything – torture, kill, even betray his country – to ensure her well-being.

158- Pre and Ancient History Collection In addition to the torture museum, the Galeriebau also houses a Pre and Ancient history museum.

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