stand tall in a sentence

stand tall in a sentence

1- They stand tall, jut their chins out, call no one Sir and can lick any man in the house.

2- A tiger on his hind feet standing tall .

3- She starts standing taller and questioning her fate.

4- You can stand tall without standing on someone.

5- standing tall and delivering a grand smile is confidence.

6- These muscles help keep you upright and standing tall .

7- Hung means to stand tall with integrity.

8- The WWF wrestlers had cleaned house and were standing tall .

9- The good news is that the monster tree stood tall .

10- They allow a publication to stand tall among its competitors.

11- Thunder II stands tall and weighs over 900 lb.

12- Gordon stands tall as the most empowering disabled superhero.

13- We stand tall , with our heads held high.

14- stand tall in heels and look feminine!

15- The BCCI stood tall amidst the gloom spread by others .

16- stand tall and stand strong, and boldly.

17- Eritrea stands tall , alone in her own history.

18- A few of them stood tall branches enjoying the warm sunshine.

19- It has seen many winters but the lady is still standing tall .

20- stand taller , sleep better and say goodbye to nagging headaches.

21- It is here, that the present day campus stands tall .

22- He took everything America threw at him and stood tall .

23- Bright purple allium, standing tall , adds color.

24- The 6 -foot Burke then stood tallest in overtime.

25- A landmark game-changer that still stands tall today.

26- But again, the Aggies’ defense stood tall .

27- Yet, none stands taller than Matthew Walker.

28- stand tall with feet comfortably apart, arms raised above the head.

29- They still stand tall without any visible arching in their backs .