stand tall in a sentence

30- Theodora stood tall and handsome in the tiny modem hall.

31- Half a dozen flamingos stood tall in a tidal pool.

32- The chapel’s quire stands taller than the nave.

33- This porta-John stood tall but didn’t stand still.

34- Shelley tried to stand taller , as though that would help.

35- They stand tall to this day to his credit.

36- But, again, the Ohio State defense stood tall .

37- The statues are imposing: they stand tall on their ahii .

38- One by one each man fell until only Ashoka stood tall .

39- It stood tall with sides that measured 21 m at the base.

40- Fiji stood tall while all about them went slip-sliding away.

41- Enormous century old trees stand tall , shading the hotel and restaurants.

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