vicarious thrill in a sentence

Use ‘vicarious thrill’ in a sentence | ‘vicarious thrill’ example sentences

1- He gave fellow pros vicarious thrills .

2- Dinosaurs were “monsters,” yet are safely extinct, allowing for vicarious thrills .

3- He clearly enjoyed the vicarious thrill of reading about grisly murders and thoroughly enjoyed The Murderers’ Who’s Who .

4- Its cynical characters give the audience vicarious thrills as they defy all morality on their “trolley car ride to the cemetery.

5- It’s also taking away the likelihood of a DD reaching that gasp-inducing win or loss of $30,000 on a single roll of the question, taking some of the vicarious thrill out of the show.

6- In fact, like all young reporters, he fairly exudes get-up-and-go, but he is driven by an insatiable thirst for the most vicarious thrill and an aching desire to be first, not a sense of duty to be most considered and most correct.

7- These early days, breathless and exciting – bristling with the vicarious thrill of brute, ugly violence – offer the movie’s finest moments.

8- The pressure of doing what they’re doing so as not to disappoint the adults in their lives: ambitious parents, the teacher who may be fixated on the vicarious thrill of a student’s success; adults with whom they spend most of their time interacting instead of with their chronological peers.

9- As radio fans were denied the vicarious thrill of eavesdropping on the actual courtroom trials, many turned to this venue of entertainment.

10- John Pilger, journalist and documentarian, criticized the film in the “New Statesman”, writing that it “offers a vicarious thrill via yet another standard-issue psychopath high on violence in somebody else’s country where the deaths of a million people are consigned to cinematic oblivion.

11- Potter enjoyed developing a tale that gave her the vicarious thrill of the sort of improper behaviour she would never have entertained in real life.

12- In return the press, from tabloids to music magazines, got vicarious thrills from the Mondays’ precarious lifestyle, great copy in a dull climate.

13- It ‘s fake and phony and far too pat a comment, just the move I would expect from some damned attention junkie getting a vicarious thrill off of riding the coat-tails of this once-famous (or infamous) Internet personality.

14- We don’t, and the vicarious thrill of selecting trees in the fashion of an armchair gardener wouldn’t support the idea of owning a hard cover book that costs more than $40, unless you’re the sort of reader to whom $40 is chump change.

15- Stricken friends and dangerous parasites, penniless would-be gamblers seeking a vicarious thrill and subtle pickpockets in the pay of the house mingled with the addicts.

16- I often wonder if the motivation for this is more than just altruism, but a way for a certain vicarious thrill for the late transitioner, imagining herself as one or both partners in the extramarital affair they themselves cant or wont have.

17- Please report back if you go Clotilde, so we can get a vicarious thrill 🙂

18- ” People are always telling other people to do that kind of thing,” said Clelia,” it must give them a vicarious thrill .

More Sentences:
Related Words:
thrill ofthrill tothrill-seekerthrill of excitementthrill of anticipationthrill of fearthrill of pleasurevicarious thrillfeel a thrillthrill rideget a thrillreal thrillcheap thrillfor the thrill ofthrills and spills

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