thrill of anticipation in a sentence

Use “thrill of anticipation” in a sentence | “thrill of anticipation” example sentences

1- The unexpected news sent a thrill of anticipation through the group.

2- Folly felt a thrill of anticipation , mingled with fear.

3- Michael watched Joe’s eyes and a thrill of anticipation went through him.

4- A wild thrill of anticipation shot through her, shocking, frightening, exciting.

5- Only this morning an envelope of delicate Nile green caused me a distinct thrill of anticipation .

6- Alongside the thrill of anticipation of the tumbling tower is the understanding of cause and effect.

7- A little thrill of anticipation ran along her skin as she turned and looked into the eyes of the man who’d watched her with such intensity during the fashion show.

8- Goose Hunt With Nebraskas Premier Guide Service Sense the thrill of anticipation as you hear wings beating and the deep honks of Canada Geese just before you hear TAKE EM!

9- Abdur Ali had gone to Aleppo on urgent business and was not expected back for several more days; so the slightly tepid thrill of anticipation which Selim felt was untinged by any thought of danger.

10- Then visualise your Dream for exactly 33 seconds (for maximum effect) with all the joy, desire, bliss and thrill of anticipation that you can conjure up.

11- Magneto actually liked the wait.He always got a little thrill of anticipation before his fittings, and liked to savor them.Just as the wait began to turn to tedium, Rolf always appeared.

12- For instance, some details of the doctrine of the rapture are designed to fill us with the thrill of anticipation for it, while others are designed to produce comfort and consolation.

Related Words:
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