twilight in a sentence 2

Use ‘twilight’ in a sentence | ‘twilight’ example sentences

51- In the artificial twilight, the rare odors and scents, and the almond eyes peering out at him.

52- In 2005, Epidemia has released his fifth album, numbered, titled “Living in twilight“.

53- The episode is loosely based on the 1960 twilight Zone episode ” The Purple Testament “.

54- Summary This is a closeup picture of the door panels on my personal twilight Zone pinball machine.

55- Original hits of “twilight Time” included the Three Suns (1944) and Les Brown & His Band of Renown (1945).

56- ” The Book of twilight, the item that the girl gave to Orca, activates and gives Kite the twilight Bracelet.

57- Dark Cards move the twilight Marker toward the lighter side of the chart, Light Cards move it toward the dark side.

58- “Never Just Pictures” in twilight Zones: The Hidden Life of Cultural Images from Plato to O.J. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

59- The Twi’leks inhabit a thin band of twilight between these two extremes, living in sprawling catacomb cities just below the planet’s surface.

60- Since Others are ‘born’ in the twilight it would make sense for them to return there upon their death but the reason for this is never stated in Night Watch.

61- ‘twilight Princess’ is a world some hundred years after that pacified childhood time.

62- One of his more memorable appearances was in the twilight Zone episode ” The Howling Man “.

63- Skullwalltulas appear in Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword.

64- Probably died after twilight and his brothers chased him and his small contingent, in The War of the Ember.

65- This smallish moth can often be found fluttering in the evening twilight or resting with its “wings” outstretched.

66- In 2004, Gauntlet Press released the first of what is to be two volumes collecting Beaumont’s twilight Zone scripts.

67- Classic examples of this include Williams’ Black Knight 2000 (The King’s Ransom) and Midway’s twilight Zone (Lost in the Zone).

68- Spengler explained that he did not mean to describe a catastrophic occurrence, but rather a protracted fall a twilight or sunset.

69- K.A. Mo’ Babies) • Brangelina, Adopt Me Too • Vegetarian Vampire is a parody about the twilight saga and it’s the directorial debut of Rivera.

70- Barnouw, Golden, p. 295 Radio continued to be the backbone of the company, at least in the early 1950s, but it was “a strange, twilight period.

71- In me thou seest the twilight of such day As after sunset fadeth in the west, Which by and by black night doth take away, Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest.

72- When twilight gave birth, a slave-woman did as well.

73- Includes an entry on Dowling’s ‘twilight Beach’ milieu.

74- Long, split tailed flycatchers zip above the rich grass around twilight.

75- ” The Hope, however, ran aground while making its way downstream in the twilight.

76- The Mire The Mire was a large, toxic wasteland between Undertown and the twilight Woods.

77- Many famous books like Harry Potter series and the twilight series were converted into movies.

78- Charyapada ‘s language is referred to as Alo-Andhari (light and shadow), meaning twilight language.

79- In 2005 Sefi Atta won the International PEN David T.K.Wong Prize for Short Fiction for twilight Trek.

80- “Dance in the twilight” from Eric Coates ‘ Springtime Suite also served as a signature tune for a time.

81- The show was an Indian adaptation of the popular twilight series and Vampire diaries but had its own distinct story.

82- Dimensions Behind the twilight Zone: A Backstage Tribute to Television’s Groundbreaking Series.

83- The Big Bad of Season Eight is a being named twilight who is bent on destroying magic in the world.

84- Close Encounters with the Religious Right: Journeys into the twilight Zone of Religion and Politics.

85- Lauren has occasionally been seen dressing in the Goth style and is a fan of the twilight book series.

86- Unreferenced She Loves You is the third full length album by The twilight Singers and their first cover album.

87- Jordan’s murderous activity during Emerald twilight was retconned as being influenced by a fear entity Parallax.

88- One sees, in the Valley Of The Wind, Valley Of The Wind, twilight Canyon, Splitting Sunbeam Road, and Wildcat House.

89- New Zealand, in temperate latitudes, would have provided long periods of evening twilight, and also long summer days.

90- While underground in ” Retreat, Part I “, he encounters twilight ‘s minion and former best friend Warren, who is now skinless.

91- Serling was famously fond of the city and based the twilight Zone episode “Walking Distance” on the carousel near his childhood home.

92- The official Dragonlance Chronicles animated movie, Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn twilight was released straight to video in January 2008.

93- I should speedily become a more or less honorary Prime Minister, living in a kind of twilight just outside the things that really mattered.

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