twiddling in a sentence

Use ‘twiddling’ in a sentence | ‘twiddling’ example sentences

1- It is unlikely Craig sat around twiddling his thumbs.

2- Nobody sits at home twiddling their fingers.

3- He looked away and began twiddling with the curtain cord.

4- He was twiddling his fingers and looking pleased with himself.

5- Try tapping your foot or twiddling your thumbs!

6- During the interview Murdock had been nervously twiddling his hat.

7- Hang on th check this up and twiddling time.

8- There is some merit in twiddling switches, but probably not much.

9- He was twiddling a piece of cork and sucking on his empty pipe.

10- Presumably while twiddling their thumbs one day, they also wrote this book.

11- Bored, twiddling you thumbs at the bus stop, meditate on boredom.

12- Till then, its quarry sat twiddling his thumbs and not quite smirking.

13- That fat fool down there twiddling his elk’s tooth calls himself a medical man.

14- Harry,” said Dumbledore, twiddling his thumbs and staring at the ceiling.

15- After an hour of thumb twiddling , there was still no sign of Letwin.

16- The world got clearer, as if someone were twiddling the focus of her retinae.

17- There’s nothing like a little twisting and twiddling to encourage them to remember things.

18- Compared to Cobra , the Joes might as well sit around twiddling their thumbs.

19- He didn’t get into twiddling with the dials on the amplifier until much later.

20- I know you didn’t spend all that time in the tent twiddling your thumbs.

21- And it ‘s not because folks in those countries were sitting around twiddling their thumbs, either.

22- This is not about twiddling with the colors of the buttons and the size of fonts .

23- Yeah, I reckon you wanna grow these sides down properly now and stop twiddling with them!

24- Gabrels is not in the habit of twiddling his thumbs in the gaps between Tin Machine projects.

25- Our problems cannot be solved by twiddling the dials; substantial reforms are needed in many areas.

26- NH: I’m sure you’re not going to be twiddling your thumbs after your retirement.

27- Many areas of Britain are simply left waiting for the next downpour, while ministers sit twiddling their thumbs.

28- Terry nodded and looked away to one of the machines, twiddling the knobs to hide his nervousness.

29- In little over a year 400,000 Rwandan tribesmen were slaughtered as the West sat by twiddling its thumbs.

30- And White Hole is a Stoner-Metal jam with cool twiddling keyboard patterns at the beginning and heavier keyboards later.

31- Without them you’ll just be sitting at your desk, twiddling your thumbs or playing Angry Birds.

32- We should not have a standstill in the sense that everyone is twiddling his thumbs for months and months.

33- Each win was different , but after years twiddling under Tyrone and Armagh’s thumbs, each was equally important.

34- Dumont commented that many of the effects came from being unfamiliar with the equipment and “just twiddling knobs”.

35- He was also fond of drawing hands with interlocked fingers, which looked as though the characters were twiddling their thumbs.

36- Somehow it sounds even more so coming from a ballerina sitting in full-length black mink coat and twiddling with diamond earrings.

37- For large datasets, these optimizations are a lot more profitable than any bit twiddling you could perform in low-level code.

38- But on a practical level, I’m twiddling my thumbs on today, day 2 of 30 days of love.

39- He flaunts his bureaucratic superiority, twiddling with the peace strapped to his leg, finally relents and reissues our permit.

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