try to do in a sentence

Use ‘try to do’ in a sentence | ‘try to do’ example sentences

1- Why bother trying to do things differently?

2- Facebook is trying to do too much.

3- What does restorative justice try to do ?

4- We were trying to do everything perfectly. I will try to do my best.

5- try to do things for yourself.

6- Why don’t I try to do something about the garden?

7- Since we can expect no help from others, let’s try to do our best.

8- When he was little, his father taught him to always try to do good deeds for others.

9- I also need to get people to understand the real me! My forceful behaviour is one way I try to do this!If you’re not sure what to do, just watch the fellow working beside you, and try to do likewise.

10- The dance students were told to follow the instructor’s lead and just try to do the same thing as her.

11- Lloyd Jones once remarked that the men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try nothing and succeed.

12- Ronald Osborn once said, “Undertake something that is difficult, it will do you good.

13- Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.

14- “”We try to do everything and in the summertime, we still had a $300 bill.

15- Companies that try to do the work themselves will find it labor-intensive.

16- Anything we try to do in Congress is going to be a heavy lift, Cardin said.

17- We acknowledged early on that she wasn’t even going to try to do this alone.

18- You try to do what ultimately you feel is going to satisfy you and fulfil you.

19- What we try to do is buy quality instruments so that the kids want to play them.

20- GeoOp has been very careful to not try to do everything too soon, Reynolds said.

21- In the coming weeks and months, the University will hopefully try to do its part.

22- Our problems can’t all be reduced down to a gun problem, as some always try to do.

23- 918194We try to do our own investigation, but they told us not to do it, she explained.”

24- “You look at things differently: focus on details and try to do them well, stay consistent.

25- Many try to do too much, including making sites so technologically flashy that they crash phones.

26- I certainly was concerned about what people might try to do with that information, Brennan added.

27- Every one of us runs for election, a lot, and we try to do as many votes as we can, Schumer said.

28- The pain is lessened by the fact that he knows we’re going to try to do something really excellent.

29- I think it’s up to us and them both to do more to try to do a better job of getting patients there.

30- One of the things we always try to do is cushion reality with what the expectations are, said Parker.

31- She also says, “You should always do the procedure the same, and that’s what the providers try to do.”

32- When Flex and Natalie return home they try to do just that, but Flex’s issues with commitment are just so strong that Natalie breaks up with him.

33- There are various page replacement algorithms that try to do this.

34- Mikey realizes one night that he hasn’t been very nice to her and decides to try to do so.

35- “This was done so that none of that vowel might slip in, accidentally; and many did try to do so!

36- So one cannot (as some psychometricians try to do) assess such things as “creativity” in any general sense.

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