try something different in a sentence

Use ‘try something different’ in a sentence | ‘try something different’ example sentences

1- The idea is to try something different .

2- Gloria deserves the credit for trying something different .

3- Now she wants to try something different .

4- The expression is used generally to mean to try something different .

5- But today we wanted to try something different .

6- try something different in life, folks!

7- If it stops working, try something different .

8- Now, let’s try something different .

9- Me I’d rather try something different .

10- Let’s try something different this year.

11- Well, trying something different is what gets me excited.

12- I just love that MS is trying something different !

13- It’s been cool to try something different and chaotic.

14- I trying something different this new year.

15- But you said you wanted to try something different !

16- This year they’re trying something different .

17- This year , we tried something different .

18- I’ll have to try something different .

19- If it is not – try something different .

20- try something different , and you are apt to change.

21- She’s not afraid to try something different or daring.

22- However, we’re going to try something different tonight anyway.

23- Well, why don’t we try something different ?

24- Here we have the room to try something different .

25- I thought I’d try something different and it worked.

26- Busse suggests, “Definitely try something different .

27- Kubrick was a great filmmaker who always tried something different and exciting. He is always trying to bend the rules, and try something different.

28- After nearly 60 years, we might try something different, Moran said.

29- 432449I was thinking I would try something different but it didn’t work.”

30- 342866I’m going to go to school in the fall, and try something different,”” Dutnall said.”

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