tried in a sentence 3

Use ‘tried’ in a sentence | ‘tried’ example sentences

100- He tried to banish his anxiety.

101- He tried to gain her affection.

102- Every means has not been tried.

103- He tried to restrain his anger.

104- She tried to hide her feelings.

105- I tried but failed to stop him.

106- He tried writing a short story.

107- He tried speaking French to us.

108- He tried to speak French to us.

109- He tried it again, but in vain.

110- I tried to sound out his views.

111- He tried to make the robot run.

112- He tried to make both ends meet.

113- He tried to hold back his anger.

114- He tried it again, only to fail.

115- He tried it over and over again.

116- I tried to persuade her in vain.

117- She tried in vain to please him.

118- She tried to keep away from him.

119- I was tried in a kangaroo court.

120- He tried to get rid of the ants.

121- He tried to put the blame on me.

122- He tried many different methods.

123- She tried to commit suicide.

124- SUZIEShe tried to lessen her expenses.

125- She tried to make both ends meet.

126- He tried to persuade her in vain.

127- I tried in vain to catch him out.

128- He tried to soothe the angry man.

129- He tried to parade his knowledge.

130- He tried to make up for lost time.

131- I tried writing with my left hand.

132- My son tried to become a rakugoka.

133- He tried to attract her attention.

134- He tried to argue the matter away.

135- He tried to swim against the tide.

136- As often as she tried, she failed.

137- He tried putting on his new shoes.

138- The two tried one after the other.

139- I tried to write with my left hand.

140- They all tried to talk at one time.

141- She tried to make friends with him.

142- He tried several times, but failed.

143- I tried to listen to him carefully.

144- He tried to take hold of the sheep.

145- She tried to jump up a second time.

146- She tried several times but failed.

147- I tried to keep in with her in vain.

148- We tried to come up to the standard.

149- I tried my best, only to fail again.

More Sentences: 1234
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