trier in a sentence

Use ‘trier’ in a sentence | ‘trier’ example sentences

1- trier himself is highly skeptical of psychotherapy.

2- trier became a “de fact” French city.

3- The trier urban area is divided into 19 city districts.

4- Von trier began making films at age eleven.

5- This was probably made in trier about 1000.

6- New trier administrators were supportive of the protest.

7- trier officially celebrated its 2,000th anniversary in 1984.

8- Constantine began a major expansion of trier .

9- One noted club is the New trier chess club.

10- When the message arrived, trier had already fallen.

11- New trier acknowledged the strength of the scoring sequence.

12- She was traveling to trier to meet her brother.

13- Lars von trier made a version for television in 1988.

14- The investigation of the trier German doctor took six years.

15- trier had not recovered completely from his depression when filming started.

16- Meanwhile Gaul had repudiated trier as a government.

17- Eventually Lars von trier was happy with the overall results.

18- trier station has direct railway connections to many cities in the region.

19- trier is set to do the same thing with Scorsese.

20- This was the end of the systematically built Roman trier .

21- Meusebach was appointed administrator of trier in 1836.

22- Now it is her turn to lead New trier .

23- The inhabitants were even less a problem than at trier .

24- Fujion glass is usually in the top trier world class lens.

25- It was made into a trier bailiwick.

26- On November 5, the trier Observatory was officially inaugurated.

27- His peers at the film school nicknamed him “von trier “.

28- The trier of fact has the duty to resolve that conflict.

29- New trier has practiced subject-level grouping for over fifty years.

30- Von trier is your caucasian hippo filmmaker level brilliance.

31- trier : He will be in the porn film.

32- This may have returned some sort of Roman authority to trier .

33- What is von trier ‘s status vis-à-vis the festival?

34- In this time, French trier began to prosper.

35- Lars Von trier says you’re the most promising actress.

36- This was designated as the Gfh trier .

37- She graduated from New trier High School in 1985.

38- Walter trier‘s illustration helped to make these books very popular.

39- Onward travel in the afternoon to trier for overnight accommodation.

40- We left trier at 9.00am the next day. The oldest city in Germany, trier was once the capital of the Western Roman Empire, and residence of the Emperor Constantine.

41- trier was good all night, going 3 for 5 from three-point range and making 8 of 11 shots overall.

42- Wenrich of trier was a German ecclesiastico-political writer of the eleventh century.

43- In 2009 New trier announced that for the 2010-2011 school year the “5 level” will be eliminated.

44- In Limburg as well as in trier he studied history, and collected documents, records and inscriptions on monuments.

45- Priscillian was long honored as a martyr, not heretic, especially in Gallaecia (modern Galicia and northern Portugal ), where his body was reverentially returned from trier.

46- New trier administrators were supportive of the protest.

47- When in trier the Holy Tunic was displayed, pilgrims were assaulted.

48- Henry I (died 3 July 964) was the Archbishop of trier from 956 until his death.

49- He is son of a certain Eigel of trier and has numerous adventures in the Holy Land.

50- Jakob von Eltz Jakob von Eltz-Rübenach (1510-1581) was the Archbishop-Elector of trier from 1567 to 1581.

More Sentences: 12
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