trident in a sentence 2

Use ‘trident’ in a sentence | ‘trident’ example sentences

50- Miliband backed renewing trident but warned that the UK must learn lessons from the 2003 Iraq War.

51- SNP depute leader Stewart Hosie said: “Labour’s position on trident has become utterly indefensible.

52- Once a Long Win Dennis trident catered Kowloon Motor Bus’ route 960 for a day.

53- The band has recorded at the legendary Sun Studio in Memphis and trident Studio in London.

54- Published by trident Press New York 1968 * Eileen Ford’s a more beautiful you in 21 days by Eileen Ford.

55- ” Lavanasura defeated Mandatta’s army with the trident.

56- Summer OG training programs are offered at trident Academy.

57- Aquafiend was able to steal the trident while Neptune slept and began using it to drain the waters of Mariner Bay.

58- “Though it had a very limited run, the trident A Range console gained a reputation for its very distinct and pleasant sound with a very “musical” EQ section.

59- HMS trident was part of the first group of T class submarines.

60- He is recognizable with his trident and merman -like features.

61- The niche accommodates a saivite dvarapala that holds a trident.

62- She has since adapted well, and now serves as chief science officer on the trident.

63- Advision and trident were also among the first in the U.K. to install 16-track machines.

64- Queen signed an agreement with trident Recording, Publishing and Management, on 1 November 1972.

65- Geography Beinn Bhuidhe is large mountain with three ridges shaped like the prongs of a trident.

66- Sculpin Lord Sculpin is the red fish man-like leader of the Ten Terrors with a trident for a weapon.

67- The Thai Ramakien says that Vali is given a trident and Sugriva is given Tara, but Vali grabs Tara too and marries her.

68- Travel West Midlands ordered 20, but following the launch of the Dennis trident 2 and Volvo B7TL it did not purchase more.

69- The Crazy Eddie trademark and associated intellectual property were then acquired by Texas -based firm trident Growth Fund.

70- As well as overseeing murder investigations he set up Operation trident to tackle gun crime within black communities in London.

71- He is described as being a man holding a trident from above the waist and below being an octopus.

72- He also played bass for a short time in UK metal outfit trident with Condemned 84 guitarist Damon.

73- ” In 2002 Capuzzo fired his literary agent, David Vigliano, and hired Robert Gottlieb of the trident Media Group to represent him.

74- Molloy followed this up with service in the two actions off St Lucia on 15 and 19 May 1780, before handing over trident to Captain John Thomas.

75- Areeya has discontinued to model for L’Oréal products but signed a new endorsement contract with “trident Chewing Gum”, she currently resides in Thailand.

76- Adrian Zaugg got quicker throughout the race on his return with trident, charging past Turvey and Bianchi in the closing stages to claim eighth and pole for race two.

77- In 1972 trident Studios started two record production companies, one of which (Neptune Productions) initially signed three artists, Mark Ashton, Eugene Wallace and Queen.

More Sentences: 12
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