tribes in a sentence 3

Use ‘tribes’ in a sentence | ‘tribes’ example sentences

100- Demographics Dwariapur has an area of 507 ha and a population of 3,004, of which 1,181 belong to scheduled castes and 344 to scheduled tribes.

101- The kings of some Malagasy tribes claim a blood kinship to the Vazimba, including the Merina dynasty that eventually ruled over all of Madagascar.

102- When Spanish explorers, early trappers and hunters and gold miners visited and settled in Colorado, the state was populated by Native American tribes.

103- The Gallic-Celtic-Iberian peoples, like many other tribes falling under the general “Gallic” banner, put up an obstinate fight against Roman hegemony.

104- Qld Alumina Refinery Prior to European settlement, the Gladstone region was home of the Baiali (or Byellee), Goereng and Goreng Goreng Aboriginal tribes.

105- tribes of very short people are also found in the mountains of New Guinea. 1000 years ago, Palau island in Micronesia was still inhabited by pygmy people.

106- Things gone awry as the tribes‘ representatives try to out do one another in search of the missing treasure of the past with the help of an uncovered clue.

107- However she was secretly employed by Waering Industries which had tasked her with saving Team 7 and so that they could be employed against the Night tribes.

108- Slab Grave Culture is a descendent of the Bronze Age (18th – 13th centuries BCE), Glazkov culture of ancient Tungus Mongoloid tribes spread in the Baikal area.

109- He learned, presumably from the local tribes, that applying the leaves to his wounds stopped bleeding, and it began to be called “Matico” or “soldier’s herb”.

110- VHF The last new entry in the tribes generation was the HX-30 transmitter and HA-20 linear amplifier, both capable of SSB operation on the six meter (50 MHz) band.

111- French Ancien Régime Roman Catholic dioceses and ecclesiastical provinces were heirs of Late Roman civitates (themselves created out of Gaulish tribes) and provinces.

112- In Sicily, the first inhabitants mentioned in history are the tribes of the Sicani (Greek Sikanoi) and the Sicels (Greek Sikeloi), who gave Sicily its more familiar modern name.

113- Tanoli and Awan are the major tribes of this village.

114- Land divisions between the tribes were well understood.

115- Many powwows also held religious significance for some tribes.

116- Influenced by Indian tribes, they raised in revolt against Cyrus.

117- 39 species in 21 genera are not included in any of the above tribes.

118- Indian water rights do not apply to non-federally recognized tribes.

119- The Niruns that stayed in Mongolia became the ancestors of the Tatar tribes.

120- The name Dhokra Damar tribes are the traditional metalsmiths of West Bengal.

121- Demon Borgs – Actually contains Gotcha Borgs that function like other tribes.

122- Ones made by Filipino tribes often are ornate, accurate, and reliable weapons.

123- The Belgians went in, and separated the Rwandans into two pre-existing tribes.

124- The Shoshone-Paiute tribes of Duck Valley are governed by the Business Council.

125- The Navajo word does not represent specific tribes but means enemy or outsider.

126- Many kingdoms and tribes had been conquered or persuaded to join the Inca empire.

127- ” 2. The Two tribes “There is a curious thing about the way they use their verbs.

128- The chronologically first game in the tribes series is tribes: Vengeance ( 2004 ).

129- Bhima was rescued by the Naga tribes living in the vicinity (1,128) (8,83) (9,56).

130- On March 19, 1851, the Commissioners signed a treaty at Camp Fremont with six tribes.

131- The Eburones were amongst the group of Belgic tribes known as the Germani cisrhenani.

132- In 1763 tribes united in Pontiac’s Rebellion to try to drive the British from the area.

133- Bar Aba Khel is divided into three clans/tribes, Mata Khel, Zaina Khel, and Sahib Khel.

134- Families can either be free men or nobles which in the Southern tribes is known as Usba.

135- The body count on the African side was estimated at 1,500 from the Kikuyu and Embu tribes.

136- In Episode 7, both tribes faced a twist where each tribe would have to enter Tribal Council.

137- The Jadoons (also Gadoon) ( Pashto : جدون ) are one of the largest Pashtun tribes in Pakistan.

138- The Dimasa The Dimasa are part of the greater Kachari group one of the ancient Kachari tribes.

139- On The Distribution Of Turk tribes In Afghanistan: An Attempt At A Preliminary Classification.

140- tribes pushed into the area by the Iroquois and colonists allied with existing regional tribes.

141- The Rusape Jews believe that all Bantu peoples are descended from the 10 lost tribes of Israel.

142- The Chagga people have their own unique life style compared with other tribes found in Tanzania.

143- Bluing was also used by some Native American tribes to mark their arrows showing tribe ownership.

144- This area of Olancho host one of the seven native tribes living in Honduras, The Pech or “Payas”.

145- CERT also lobbied for new federal legislation that would give tribes a larger say in negotiations.

146- A renewed attempt at centralization was abandoned and the tribes allowed to preserve their autonomy.

147- Ericson (2000), p. 43. Aftermath The rebellion changed the dynamic between settlers and local tribes.

148- Boy Rangers were organized as a tribe of eight boys and an adult; up to six tribes would form a lodge.

149- Faisal al-Dawish, one of the three leaders of the rebellious Ikhwan tribes, was wounded in the battle.

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