tribes in a sentence 2

Use ‘tribes’ in a sentence | ‘tribes’ example sentences

51- The roots of the English language can be traced back to an ancient language spoken by tribes living in Asia and Europe.

52- Studies of so-called primitive tribes in South America have found they generally have a very sophisticated social system.

53- In 60 A.D. , the Romans’ were victorious in their battle against the tribes living in Britain at that time.

54- Certain kinds of ants raid the nests of other ant tribes, kill the queen, and kidnap many of the workers, which then become their slaves.

55- In 1876, warriors of the Sioux and Cheyenne tribes trapped and killed the entire army of General George Custer at the battle of Little Bighorn.

56- Among some American Indian tribes, it was customary to give newborn males temporary names, these names were changed later as the boys developed character, and showed courage in manhood.

57- 288149He spent nearly three decades documenting Native American tribes.

58- Houthis are mostly militias and tribes that follow the Zaidi sect of Islam.

59- Interestingly, many Native American tribes also knew these stars as a bear.

60- And Mr. Abadi has tried to win over Sunni tribes under Islamic State control.

61- The reservation is home to both the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone tribes.

62- His abiding friendships across Washington’s political tribes are points of pride.

63- Many tribes and Native American organizations also refused the foundation’s money.

64- With their advance, the Sunni tribes in Yemen are looking to al-Qaeda as their protector.

65- The rebel organization has been fighting for an independent ethnic homeland for Naga tribes.

66- There have already been some low-level confrontations, and tribes are mobilizing in the area.

67- Few were hit harder than the Confederated tribes of the Colville Reservation in Eastern Washington.

68- Our estimate is we’re in excess of $20,000 as far as a loss to the area ranchers so far. said tribes.

69- Cornell said one difference is that the U.S. treats tribes as separate legal entities or governments.

70- The Easterlings of the Third Age were divided in different tribes, such as the Wainriders and the Balchoth.

71- Kenya’s population agglomerates tribes, cultures, religions and languages.

72- Hunter-gatherer tribes settled around seasonal food stocks to become agrarian villages.

73- Each iwi has a number of hapū (“sub-tribes“).

74- These were called marabout or zawiya tribes (cf.

75- The Baloch tribes migrated and settled in Sindh.

76- And many members of these tribes speak Nuba dialects fluently.

77- Mairee and Suleman Khel are the further sub tribes of Karhi Khel.

78- ” Published in Vol. II of History of the Indian tribes of North America,.

79- The various proto-Creek Muskogean tribes grew closer after the Yamasee War.

80- Economic Base The preferable job that the Nyimang tribes like is agriculture.

81- This Alliance attacked surrounding tribes for territorial and hunting reasons.

82- ” The Arapaho are one of the westernmost tribes of the Algonquian language family.

83- Aside from scattered Mennonite colonies and nomadic Indian tribes, few people lived there.

84- Thevar had high hopes that the new Congress ministry would revoke the Criminal tribes Act.

85- Shipek, 612 Today Today, the two tribes have a joint-trust patent of the remaining reservation.

86- This is likely in response to the mobility of the Moors and other hostile tribes in North Africa.

87- Life There were 40-50 villages in the Coos tribes (they lived around the Coos bay and North Bend area).

88- The Chinook Jargon was widely spoken throughout the northwest among tribes and new-comers to the region.

89- Livy 49.21 He quickly made his escape and sought refuge amongst the Thracian tribes to the north of Macedon.

90- A band consisting of two survivors as well as members from surrounding tribes reformed in the same area under this name.

91- In pre-Viking times, as well as during the Viking period, Swedish tribes regularly made slaves of members of neighbouring tribes.

92- Tribal wars Thracian tribes fought amongst each other and they allied themselves with the Greeks against other Thracian tribes.

93- The men listed as being involved in this raid include a good number of Camerons and those from the various tribes of Clan Cameron.

94- The chronic internal fighting of the Timurids attracted the attention of the Uzbek nomadic tribes living to the north of the Aral Sea.

95- His son David Lelyveld is an authority on the frontier tribes of South Asia and is Professor of History at William Patterson University.

96- This was/is a region characterized by unending warfare and strife, inhabited by xenophobic/self segregating tribes with foreign origins.

97- The Legend When the Comox people faced raids from other coastal tribes, they took their women and children to the plateau for safekeeping.

98- He is well-meaning but underestimates the demand Americans have for western lands and the animosity the plains tribes have for all whites.

99- He had allied with Algonquian-speaking tribes in the Tidewater numbering about 30,000 in population at the time of the Jamestown settlement.

More Sentences: 1234
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