trespassed in a sentence

Use ‘trespassed’ in a sentence | ‘trespassed’ example sentences

1- One man trespassed ; one man stayed put.

2- Without realizing it Macmillan trespassed on the modern constitutional convention.

3- You would be really depressed to have trespassed the commandment.

4- Illegally armed groups also trespassed into Venezuela to commit crimes.

5- Get out of the sanctuary, for you have trespassed !

6- We’ve forgiven as thou biddest All who’ve trespassed against us.

7- If known territory is trespassed by members of another surf gang, violence usually occurs.

8- Had Valence trespassed on Lexandro’s visionary dream?

9- Collins was also trespassed from the Courtenay Place takeaway on August 11 .

10- Wanting to gather a harem, he trespassed onto several ranches looking for mares.

11- I have been trespassed from public facilities because a militant sodomite was in power there .

12- They trespassed upon my thoughts.

13- He trembled, thinking now that he had trespassed on the gardens of genii.

14- But Goodell has consistently pushed , and sometimes trespassed , the boundaries of that authority.

15- Iraq is an ungovernable chaos bordering on civil war and trespassed by an anti-American jihad.

16- That was an act of Grace for those who trespassed the Laws of YHVH!

17- We trespassed on his land.

18- When Eggon youths were reportedly asked why they trespassed on the land, they turned violent.

19- Local police said the youngster trespassed in tram depots to gather information needed to build the device.

20- So Saul knew that the tribe of Benjamin had trespassed in the matter of the ban.

21- Five men barged into the mill , saying the two had trespassed into “railway property”.

22- Competition for locations was fierce and those who trespassed others’ territories fell victim to knives and beatings.

23- He also is completely against harming children, even if that child trespassed and destroyed invaluable company technology.

24- He wants me to look very ordinary, very much as I did the day I trespassed .

25- Afterwards, Basulto trespassed into Cuban airspace, still heading east, for less than 45 seconds.

26- Oracle even filed a protest alleging that the Kiwis had trespassed to gather information in the case .

27- I declare that I forgive all who have trespassed against me, and I release their sins.

28- The banks have trespassed on that function and have thereby disturbed the rate of interest on long-term investments.

29- ENCOURAGEMENT We are to have a spirit of pity and compassion toward those who have trespassed against us.

30- Along with boundary-setting should come the proviso of what you ‘ll do if your limits are trespassed .

31- Frank tried to prevent it – and was very annoyed if people ever trespassed beyond the bounds of decency.

32- In 1993, she noticed that Tonny, Darko, and their agents had trespassed on the land.

33- Block High Street with horse boxes, have packs of hounds run amok, have properties trespassed and damaged!

34- They have bragged about their accomplishments in Corinth, when they have really trespassed on Paul’s territory.

35- On 13 December 2007 the RSPCA unlawfully trespassed onto Bhaktivedanta Manor Hindu temple and unlawfully slaughtered the sacred cow Gangotri.

36- I have trespassed and will retreat back to Cambo and to the country just to the south of it.

37- The transgressor is the state’s own transgression! the proof that it, as man, has trespassed against humanity.

38- Some directors of the House of Industry had trespassed on workhouse premises, where they had lopped some trees without permission.

39- The right not to be trespassed upon doesn’t belong to the building; it belongs to the owner of the building.

40- Willy Schuster, a German resident from Moșna, accused company employees that violated his household, trespassed and destroyed his goods. A se man trespassed on my property.

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