tremendous possibilities in a sentence

Use “tremendous possibilities” in a sentence | “tremendous possibilities” example sentences

1- And he saw still further the tremendous possibilities that would be opened if these difficulties could be eliminated.

2- With a dedicated always-on low-power NLP processor and Google Now , there are tremendous possibilities to further evolve personal assistance.

3- Blessed by the Arabian Sea on one side; the Bay of Bengal on the other; astride the busiest sea lanes in the world; and I think you’d agree one of the most entrepreneurial societies in the world, India has tremendous possibilities .

4- You have tremendous possibilities – perhaps even genius – and you owe it to yourself and the world to make the most of them.

5- The well known combination of meat and pineapple has tremendous possibilities but none is better than pineapple grilled or fried with a little butter to serve with bacon and eggs.

Related Words:
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20 examples of simple sentences of “tremendous possibilities“
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Compound-Complex Sentences with “tremendous possibilities

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