exhaust the possibilities in a sentence

Use “exhaust the possibilities” in a sentence | “exhaust the possibilities” example sentences

1- the basic set directed players who exhausted the possibilities of that game to switch to the advanced rules.

2- Actually, some folks took the ferry to Harlingen, since they felt they had exhausted the possibilities of Terschelling.

3- You can join a campfire sing-along, sign up for a ski race, embarrass your loved ones in a karaoke contest, ride a zip-line or enjoy a sleigh ride–and still not exhaust the possibilities .

4- Thus, although the bonanza expected by some has not yet materialised, exploration has far from exhausted the possibilities , and the results have at least demonstrated beyond question that gas accumulated and survived in producible quantities in the Eastern Overthrust Belt, despite the disturbed condition of the strata and the passage of time.

5- If you’ve somehow already exhausted the possibilities of the one better multiplayer indie game the PS4 has to offer (see the second paragraph), then sure, give Awesomenauts Assemble! a try.

6- Once the press had exhausted the possibilities of interviewing the two of us, and had decided that our unregenerate and politically incorrect tourers were not what they wanted in a photograph, one enterprising organiser set off in search of better material.

Related Words:
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