travel in a sentence 3

Use ‘travel’ in a sentence | ‘travel’ example sentences

101- We will travel to Los Angeles by way of Hawaii.

102- She has a great wish to travel around the world.

103- I had the article accepted by a travel magazine.

104- Let’s get some brochures from the travel bureau.

105- She wants to travel to Antarctica, of all places.

106- The day will come when we can travel to the moon.

107- Would you prefer to travel to Mexico in March or in April?When you travel, you’ve got to try the local brew.

108- She is not old enough to travel abroad by herself.

109- You must not travel on the train without a ticket.

110- The day will soon come when man can travel to Mars.

111- He tried to save something from his travel expenses.

112- Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia?

113- If I had the money, I would travel around the world.

114- My secretary will handle all the travel arrangements.

115- It will not be long before man can travel to the moon.

116- The airplane has brought about a revolution in travel.

117- I am a poor sailor, so I don’t like to travel by boat.

118- If you travel in China, it is best to go with a guide.

119- A number of Japanese people travel abroad every summer.

120- Her business called for her to travel around the world.

121- You can travel from Osaka to Tokyo in an hour by plane.

122- I always travel with travelers’ checks instead of cash.

123- Nowadays it is not unusual for a woman to travel alone.

124- The time will soon come when anyone can travel in space.

125- Speaking of travel, have you ever visited New York City?

126- Some people say that travel by air is rather economical.

127- Gathering information is one of the essentials of travel.

128- A time will soon come when people can enjoy space travel.

129- His large income enables him to travel abroad every year.

130- Airplanes enable people to travel great distances rapidly.

131- I negotiated with the travel agent about the ticket price.

132- Airline seat sales rarely coincide with peak travel times.

133- Please consider us in the future for all your travel needs.

134- I would like to travel abroad in company with my colleague.

135- He doesn’t travel much apart from occasional business trips.

136- Airplanes enable us to travel around the world in a few days.

137- I hope the day will soon come when we can travel to the moon.

138- I will take advantage of the summer vacation to travel abroad.

139- He lived in the days when air travel was considered dangerous.

140- I asked Bill what the weather had been like during his travel.

141- They consider it a mistake for Jim to travel alone in Africa.

142- CPMr Yamada frowned on the estimate presented by a travel agency.

143- In the absence of my travel partner, I took several solo trips.

144- The day will come when space travel becomes possible.

145- WestofEdenI have no sense of direction so I always travel with a compass.

146- Dave’s new job gives him a great opportunity to travel for work.

147- In order to know a man, you have only to travel with him a week.

148- The travel company furnished us with all the details of the tour.

149- Someday planetary space travel for tourists may become a reality.

150- It’s more interesting to travel alone than to go on a group tour.

More Sentences: 1234
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